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Dota 2 Guide: Know the Concept of Effective HP

In Dota 2, effective HP or effective HP is the total HP you have after considering the mechanism damage reduction that your hero has. In other words, the hero you have actually has more total HP than what is shown on the screen.

Although simple, this concept affects the way you can do it scaling in the game. Indirectly, this effective HP concept also makes you have to consider your options more items which you buy depends on who you face in the game.


All shapes reduction what you have allows you to reduce damage that you receive. Subtraction damage this is what is added and becomes your effective HP in the game.

Let’s take an example. For example, you have 1000 HP and 20 armor which can withstand 50 percent of physical attacks. You then receive damage physical amount of 1000, for the amount of HP you have. But since you have 20 armor, you only swallowed 500 damage and still has 500 HP.

In other words, 20 armor it gives you an additional 500HP against damage physical, and make your HP effective against damage physical is 1500.

Blessing 20 armor you will always have an additional 50 percent HP against damage physical. So if you later have 2000 HP, you have an effective HP of 3000.

Influence armor and its contribution to your total HP which actually has a big effect on potency scaling you throughout the game. You don’t have to just buy items HP or strength to increase the total HP you have. If you are a hero agility, you can focus on items which gives agility you. That way you will get armor which contributes to your effective HP.


For example, the Terrorblade with items complete above has 2525 HP thanks to the addition strength which he obtained from Eye of Skadi, Hurricane Pike, and Manta Style. But at the same time he also has 225 agility and a total of 44 armor who gave it reduction by 68 percent against physical attacks. That way he has a total effective HP of 4242 (168 percent of his HP).

The description above only focuses on armor and reduction to damage which is the most common element used to calculate effective HP.

But facing the type damage others like magic damage and pure damage, armor will not contribute anything. That is, facing the type damage With that, your effective HP amount is different compared to when facing damage physical.


Facing type damage different, your effective HP is different depending on the mechanism reduction you have facing the type damage the.

For example, facing magic damage, your effective HP depends on how big magic resistance that you have. If you have magic resistance 25 percent, means that your effective HP is facing magic damage is 125 percent of the HP you have.

sadly pure damage can’t be denied by reduction whatever, which means your effective HP doesn’t change against the type damage this. Fortunately in Dota 2 amount pure damage not much.

Because of this interaction, you should always consider items what you buy is according to the opponent you face. Pay attention to who are the heroes on the enemy team, what type? damage they are the most dominant. From there, determine items what you need in the game.

Fortunately, magic damage and pure damage average comes from spell. So if you are a hero agility who don’t want to buy magic resistance like Hood of Defiance, you can always buy BKB to ward off magic damage opponent for at least a few seconds.

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