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Cool! These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Can Escape Even When They Are Surrounded

There are many things to consider when playing Mobile Legends. Starting from the strategy with the team, to the selection of heroes.

Well, speaking of hero selection, it’s actually easy and difficult.

Because sometimes there are heroes who are good on one side, but weak on the other.

For example, some time ago Androbuntu discussed 5 Mobile Legends heroes with this worst escape mechanism, which made it difficult for them to escape.

Well, besides there are heroes who are hard to escape, there are also heroes who are easy to escape.

Curious who they are? Follow the reviews below.

These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Can Escape Even When They Are Surrounded

1. Zilong

The Strongest Assassin Hero in Mobile Legends

The first hero who is famous for having good escape skills is Zilong.

With his ultimate skill, Zilong can escape the bad effects of the enemy and can run very fast.

Zilong only needs to use the ultimate skill when pressed or under siege.

Then he ran away and no one would be able to catch him.

You must have also experienced this moment, right, when Zilong was dying but you couldn’t catch him because he ran away using his ultimate skill.

2. Moscow

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Moskov besides having high damage also has a pretty good escape mechanism.

One of Moskov’s skills, namely Abyss Walker, can be used to escape easily.

Because with this skill, Moskov can teleport himself to a certain point.

Although not too far away, this Abyss Walker is very effective to use to escape.

Moreover, if you use this skill, Moskov can penetrate walls. So it makes it more difficult for the opponent’s hero to chase you.

3. Alucard

build alucard mobile legends

Next is a handsome hero armed with a big sword, who else if not Alucard.

This hero also has a very good escape mechanism, not inferior to Moskov.

You know that Alucard has the Groundsplitter skill?

With this skill, Alucard will jump to a certain point while carrying out an attack.

Well, besides being able to be used to attack, you can also use this skill to escape if you are surrounded.

The jump distance is quite far, so it will be difficult for the enemy to catch up with you.

4. Miya

guide miya mobile legends

Why Mia?

Miya has the ultimate skill called Turbo Stealth. Just as the name suggests, with this skill Miya will be able to increase her movement speed for 2.5 seconds.

That’s not all. All bad effects that you received will also disappear.

So Miya’s ultimate skill is very effectively used to escape.

It is guaranteed that the enemy will not be able to chase you.

5. Johnson

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Next up is Johnson. This stocky hero who can turn into a car is also very slippery, easy to escape.

Especially if it wasn’t for his skill that can turn himself into a car.

Especially when it turns into this car, Johnson is very fast. In an instant he could get to the tower to replenish HP.


How, cool, not the hero above? In addition to having high damage, it turns out that the 5 heroes above are also good at escaping.

So you don’t die easily.

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