Guide Saber Mobile Legends: Robot Assassin Attackers From All Directions
Guide Saber Mobile Legends – If you are an assassin hero user in Mobile Legends, then you should try using Saber once in a while. Saber is a very good hero used to become a ganker hero.
Judging from his stats, Saber is a very balanced hero. He can attack both from close range and far.
Saber can also approach enemies from a distance very quickly. Suitable for killing the opponent’s hero suddenly.
Guaranteed your opponent will not have time to run away and be surprised by your arrival.
Just like other heroes in Mobile Legends, you also have to know this complete Saber guide in order to maximize it on the battlefield.
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The Latest Saber Mobile Legends Guide
Saber is one of the heroes in Mobile Legends who has a very interesting skin. In appearance, Saber is half robot and half warrior. Just watch the video above.
Well, before knowing the complete guide of Saber Mobile Legends, it’s a good idea to know the skills it has. That way you can get to know more about this assassin hero.
Mobile Legends Saber Active and Passive Skills
Saber is a hero assassin designed to be able to attack enemies both from close and far away. It was supported by the skills that Saber had.
If you are not the dominant type of gamer at close or far distance, then Saber is the right hero for you. You can attack your opponent from various distances.
Well, right away, here are the skills that Saber has.
Enemy’s Bane
Saber’s passive skill is very useful for weakening the opponent’s hero defense. The reason is, Enemy’s Bane will reduce the enemy’s armor by 7 points if your attack hits them.
And the effect can get worse if you manage to attack them 5 times in 1 second. So the weaker the opponent’s hero is. Softer to attack.
Flying Sword
Well, as I said above, Saber is an assassin type that can be used to attack from near and far.
With the Flying Sword skill, Saber will issue 4 swords that fly around Saber. The sword will attack the opponent’s hero who hits it.
Flying Sword will deal 160/180/200/220/240/260 physical damage. Very suitable for use when going to war or duels.
This skill is guaranteed to surprise your opponent.
With Charge, Saber will move quickly towards the enemy and produce physical damage of 80/100/120/140/160/180.
Triple Sweep
Saber’s ultimate and deadliest skill.
With Triple Sweep, Saber will lock one opponent’s hero and will slash it repeatedly 3 times.
The total damage received by the enemy hero is 200/230/260.
When exposed to this skill, the opponent’s hero will not be able to move let alone run away from you.
Build Items Saber Mobile Legends

According to my experience playing Mobile Legends, Saber doesn’t have as high a damage as hero carry, even though he has used damage-enhancing items.
But, don’t look in the eye just yet.
If you already know how to play Saber properly, you can even beat carry heroes like Natalia and Miya in 1v1.
Therefore, it is very important to know the right build item for Saber. Well, here are the recommendations for the Androbuntu version of the Saber Mobile Legends build item.
Each item will also be given an explanation of why the item is very suitable for Saber.
Magic Shoes
The first item that is very suitable for use by Saber is Magic Shoes. As we know, the function of this item in addition to increasing speed is also to reduce the cooldown time of the skill.
Because in my personal opinion, Saber is a very good hero in terms of skills, not on basic attacks. Therefore, using items that can reduce cooldown time is very important.
The less time the skill cooldown, the more deadly Saber will be. Especially with his 1 and 2 skills, Saber can attack quickly from close or far away.
With the Flying Sword, even Saber can reduce the opponent’s armor up to 45%, perfect for bullying the opponent’s tanker hero.
Tooth of Greed
Then you also have to buy Tooth of Greed. This item will make Saber’s HP at a safe limit, so you are not easily killed.
One of the best ways to play Mobile Legends using Saber is to continue to gang enemies.
Then if your HP is safe, you can return to the main tower to refill your HP.
Hunter Strike
Hunter Strike will also make the cooldown time of the Saber skill faster. That way the ultimate Saber skill cooldown time can be reduced by 20%.
Moreover, coupled with shoe items and buffs from creeps in the forest, the skill cooldown time will be faster. Saber can issue skills many times faster.
With this combination of items, Saber will become a respected and deadly ganker hero.
Blade of Destruction
This item will increase the damage and also the critical level of each of your basic attacks. Very useful for adding basic attacks after removing all skills.
This item will make you stronger so you can fight 1v1 with your opponent’s carry.
As I said earlier, Saber is a hero who relies on his skills. Because the basic attack itself is quite small.
Brute Force Breastplate
Brute Force Breastplate is armor that will increase walking speed as well as attack.
This item fits perfectly with Saber’s 1st skill, namely Flying Sword.
In addition, this armor item will also be very useful for you in the late game.
Because after attacking the enemy, you will soon be in a crowd of enemies who are ready to attack you back.
Magic Blade
Well, this item is a complement to the Brute Force Breastplate, namely the Magic Blade. This item will be very useful when your hero is in critical condition.
When your HP is below 30%, this item will provide a barrier effect that protects you from enemy attacks.
Very suitable for use by Saber who incidentally is a hero with a hit and run playstyle.
This item is not standard, you can replace it with a Craze Reaper if you want. Just adjust it to your playing style.
Recommended Battle Spells For Saber > Flicker
For the Battle Spell itself I highly recommend you to use Flicker.
As I explained above that Saber is a hero assassin with a hit and run fighting style.
With Flicker, you can catch enemies quickly. No one will be able to escape from your attacks.
In addition, Flicker is also very useful for escaping, when your HP is no longer possible to continue the battle.
Guide Saber Mobile Legends Summary
Above I have explained at length about each item and why you should use the item.
Well, here is a summary of the Guide Saber Mobile Legends:
Items used by Saber:
- Magic Shoes: Reduced the cooldown of Saber skill.
- Tooth of Greed: Increases physical attack and lifesteal.
- Hunter Strike: Increases attack and reduces cooldown.
- Blade of Destruction: Increases attack and critical hit chance.
- Brute Force Breastplate: Increases HP and armor, making Saber not easy to kill in the late game.
- Magic Blade: Increases physical attack and magic resistance.
Battle Spell recommendations for Saber:
- Flicker: So that Saber can catch up to the enemy quickly, also to run away when HP points are low.
Additional Tips for Using Saber in Battle
Saber is a hero assassin who has advantages in terms of skills. While the basic attack is quite low compared to other heroes.
Therefore, you must be clever in using each skill.
If you use the build items above, then your active skills can be used repeatedly quickly.
That way Saber can compete with carry heroes or other heroes.
Oh, yes, try to avoid duels using basic attacks. Because you won’t be able to keep up with Saber’s relatively small basic attack.
Play hit and run style. Because it was one of Saber’s best fighting styles.
Finally, good luck with building the Saber Mobile Legends item above.
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