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Collection of Quotes Marksman Mobile Legends Part 2

Collection of marksman quotes for Mobile Legends part 2, now Vexa friends can learn all collections of quotes for marksman Mobile Legends part 2 because they have finished part 1, right. This is a continuation of several marksman heroes that have not been in the previous collection of marksman Mobile Legends quotes.

These Mobile Legends marksman have a collection of interesting quotes for Vexa friends to know. In addition to their important role in the match, brand quotes are also important for defining characteristics. Vexa friends must have been curious about the collection of marksman Mobile Legends part 2 quotes, right. Don’t worry, the marksman’s quotes will have a translation for those who don’t understand, you can still learn it!

Collection of Quotes Marksman Mobile Legends Part 2

Here are some collections of marksman Mobile legends quotes, namely Lesley, Hanabi, Claude, Kimmy, Granger, and Wanwan:


  Lesley Mobile legends

“Sniper ready, give me a target”
“Remember to tell my little brother, it’s dinner time”
“Come a little closer”
“You won’t even know, I’ve missed”
“Enemy in range and you are too”
“Hehe I’m neither the hungry wolf nor the sacrificial lamb”
“One shot, one kill”
“Dead before they know me”
“Crosshair lock you down, death kisses you on the forehead”


Hanabi Mobile legends

“I’ll be the blades in your hands”
“See any other ninja around here?” (Do you see any other ninjas here?)
“Do all men only like cute girls?” (Do all guys only like cute girls?)
“Just show me an umbrella and see what happens to you”
“I don’t wanna lose to that snot nosed shadow”
“I shouldn’t be speaking while on the mission”
“The enemy often knows you better than you do”
“Actually, I can’t resist cute stuffs at all.


Claude Mobile legends

“Hey! Get out! I’ve already given your share little guy” (Hey! Get out!
“Hoam, I’m tired of farming, let’s go fight some enemies!” (Hoam, I’m tired of farming, let’s fight some enemies)
“There’s a crazy rumor that my partner is a cute girl”
“Let me introduce you to my partner, Dexter!” (Let me introduce you to my partner, Dexter!)
“Dexter, you getting fat buddy?” (Dexter, are you getting fatter pal?)
“Huh, living freely is one of life’s basic principles.”
“Me a thief? No, no, no I’m only borrowing this”
“Ssh, why don’t we go steal the enemy base next?” (Shh, why don’t we just steal the next enemy base?)
“Show me the money!” (Show me the money!)
“Money and beauty!” (Money and beauty)


quote marksman Kimmy Mobile legends

“Running away? You dissapoint me!” (Escape? You let me down)
“Wow, I’m a genius”
“Papa, look at these fools!” (Papa look at these stupid creatures)
“My inventions will change everything”
“I shall change the world as I see fit”
“Pain is my special gift, just for you”
“Taking the fresh air out of the empire”
“Combine magic with technology and you shall have the true power”
“Fighting Kimmy!” (Kimmy spirit!”


quotes marksman Granger Mobile legends

“Experience the euphony of suffering”
“Wanna take a look inside?” (Want to see the contents?)
“Don’t you dare touch my guitar case”
“Don’t even try escaping my sight”
“Hmmph, I’ll compose the greatest sonata with your corpse”
“Let’s make this quick”
“Your death is music to my ear”
“I only fight for myself, no one else”


quotes marksman wanwan Mobile legends

“To me, fun is all that matters!” (For me, what matters is fun!)
“My aim is impeccable!” (My aim is perfect!)
“My Darts Bite!” (My arrows bite)
“Blind confidence will get you nowhere”
“You can try to catch me”
“Stop spreading rumors! Seeing is believing!) (Stop spreading lies! Seeing is believing!)

Also Read: Collection of Quotes Marksman Mobile Legends Part 1


Well, Vexa friends already know all the marksman collection of Mobile Legends part 2 quotes, right. Vexa friends can also read the complete collection of marksman Mobile Legends quotes part 1 and 2. Completely peeling all marksman Mobile Legends quotes. If there is something you want to share with Vexa friends, such as tips, tricks, and reviews, please share them in the comments column, OK!

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