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Checking the Blog Data Structure for More SEO

Have you done structured data testing on your blog?

mrfdn – This article I wrote based on personal experience, and high imagination.

For bloggers, we actually only need to produce lots of and interesting content and articles.

But attractive in the eyes of people is normal, but if it is attractive in the eyes of google, not necessarily. There are many things that Google considers to be able to make our blog a good value or not. One of them is from the data code structure used.

Google is like a super robot that has super power. His behavior is very human. Apart from being a super robot, he is also a hospital as well as a doctor who can detect diseases on our blog.


What I mean is that for those of us who are in the blogging environment, we must be familiar with what is called a blog post. Yep, every article that we make is called a blog post.

But blog posts can only be read by people.

Google doesn’t..!

What Google reads is how the page that someone accessed is overall.

Not only our blog post or article pages, but also all the codes that have been successfully called through the device of the accessing person.

These codes are what is behind the display that we see.

The code can be seen by pressing ctrl + u on our keyboard shortcut.

Later, codes will appear that are only in the form of writing, numbers, punctuation marks. That’s what google reads.

Well, as I said earlier, Google is like a super robot. He is able to see which websites are good, and which are not. He had been programmed to be able to display which ones had a good structure, the names which didn’t.

Like a health check, he is like a doctor who is able to tell which parts of our website are unstable. Although we do not see it with the naked eye, but he is able to tell that in certain parts there is a coding error, or so on.

Please check the data structure of your blog, the link is::

Google Structure Data Testing Tool

make sure your blog's address is in google's data structure

Please enter your blog’s home address marked http:://….com and also check your blog post page marked http://….html

Departing from there, Google also provides services for us bloggers to be able to check our website or blog. By entering our blog’s web domain address, he will do a quick check.

Later the results will show whether or not there are any of the pages accessed by people who have deficiencies.

After knowing the shortcomings we have, we can fix them easily.

For blogger or blogspot users, these codes can be modified via the template edit page.

How to find which part you want to fix can be by pressing ctrl+f on the keyboard. By typing in keywords which part you want to fix.

In general, some templates that are not good in data structure will show parts that are less like code hatom, author, breadcrumb, and various other codes.

after checking the google data structure there is an error code on the blog

How to fix an error blog data structure

To fix it there are codes that have been made by other bloggers, you can check the blog Magic Company, or Brother Franki regarding improving the blog data structure.

After fixing the structure of our blog, please check again on the google data structure.

If it shows no errors then congratulations your blog is normal in the eyes of google.

my blog is considered good and healthy in the eyes of google data structure

Tips for those of you who frequently change or edit templates::

First, check the data structure template that you want to install on your blog.

Don’t just want to look cool, but actually there are a lot of errors in the eyes of Google. Because by installing a template that is not good is very influential on the quality of our blog seo.

Then if you often edit templates, don’t make the wrong edits so that they cause errors in this google data structure. This will cost you. Your blog’s reputation may decrease because it is considered less good by Google.

The final word

Thus this post. Good luck checking your blog’s data structure to make it more seo.

By having a healthy blog, the next step is to fill it with interesting content so that the blog gets fatter and has more visitors.

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