Build Karrie Mobile Legends Hurts, Savage Counter Tank!
The best build of Karrie Mobile Legends will help Vexa friends achieve victory easily. Marksman Karrie who comes from Alaghat is a marksman who has a fairly short ultimate cooldown skill. His speed in attacking is no longer in doubt, he can finish off opponents swiftly in an instant. Currently Karrie is one of the most feared heroes.
He is also the most sought after marksman between the two teams. With strong support from teammates, it is impossible for Karrie users to get savage. In draft pick mode, Karrie is sometimes on the banned list but the possibility to use this hero is still very large.
Here’s the Hurt Karrie Mobile Legends Build Complete with Tips

There are lots of choices for the best Karrie Mobile Legends build that you can use. One of them is one of Karrie’s former top globals, Jess No Limit. Jess No Limit shares his flagship build when using Karrie. Here are the best build items for Karrie Mobile Legends from Jess No Limit:

- Raptor Machete (If you already have a lot of money will be replaced with Blade of Despair)
- Swift Boots (If you already have a lot of money replace with Corrosion Scythe)
- Endless Battle
- Golden Staff
- Windtalker
- Blade of Despair (If there is a lot of physical it will be changed to Wind Of Nature)
In addition to the build from Jess No Limit, there are also several Karrie build items presented by top players using Karrie Mobile Legends. You can try as many as you want while deciding which one will suit your abilities. Here are some of the best Karrie Mobile Legends builds.

Learning Karrie Mobile Legends Skills
Using the hyper carry technique will make it easier for Karrie to show her strength. Karrie is one of the heroes who has a fast attack, therefore using a build that supports her skills will be very deadly. After knowing the best Karrie Mobile Legends build, it’s a good idea to get to know all of these marksman skills first.

Passive Skill: Lightwheel Mark
This skill is able to produce true damage to opponents who have been hit by Karrie’s basic and certain skills 5 times. Opponents will be marked with a Lightwheel, true damage generated by 7 percent to 13 percent of the maximum HP of the opponent affected by the attack. Lightwheel Mark will also deal different damage to forest monsters, it will deal 300 damage.
Skill 1: Spinning Lightwheel
Karrie releases a flywheel in the designated direction. Spinning Lightwheel can provide a crowd control effect in the form of slowing the movement of opponents affected by the flywheel by 60 percent and damage of 200 physical damage. If there are opponents around the flywheel and are hit by this attack, they will get 100 physical damage along with a slow effect.
Skill 2: Phantom Step
This is one of the causes of Karrie being a marksman who is still often used, he can use skill 2 or Phantom Step to escape. Karrie jumps in the designated direction while issuing a flywheel at nearby enemies. The flywheel thrown by Karrie while using the Phantom Wheel will deal 150 damage. If Karrie is in a state of using her ultimate skill, she will issue 2 flywheels at once.
Skill 3: Speedy Lightwheel
Karrie’s ultimate skill will increase her movement speed for 6 seconds. He will also issue 2 lightwheels at once in his attack. Unfortunately the resulting damage will be reduced, his basic attack will be reduced by 50 percent of the initial damage, Karrie’s attack speed will be reduced by 20 percent.
Mistakes to Avoid for Karrie Users
In addition to the best Karrie Mobile Legends build, it is also important to learn the mistakes to avoid when using this agile marksman. Here are some Karrie user errors that often occur according to the owner of a Youtube account named HEROISGOD:
Not Using Combo Skills
It is rare for Karrie users, especially those who are beginners, to take advantage of Karrie’s combo skills, namely passive skills and skill two. Because Karrie’s passive skill every hit the opponent hits will get a Lightwhell Mark. Lightwheel Mark on the fifth hit will do true damage which will not reduce the opponent’s armor and magic resistance. In other words, this damage will not be reduced by anything (both from enemy armor etc.) aka really damage from Karrie. Make sure to use basic attacks with hits 1, 2, 3, 4, and on the fifth hit use skill two, this will be very helpful in the early game.
Items Not Supporting Passive
Many only focus on the effect of Karrie’s skill rather than its passive effect, even though there are 4 very profitable items, namely endless battle (which regen supports the wasteful use of Karrie’s mana and basic attacks will issue true damage). Thunder belt (basic attack can cause crowd control in the form of slow on the opponent). Golden staff (Initially Karrie had to issue 5 basic attacks to get true damage, if you use this item, it’s enough just 3 times as well as additional attack speed). Demon hunter sword (can make tanks porous, matches Karrie the tank destroyer) choose one but the most recommended is endless battle.
Rarely Use Ulti
Many Karrie users rarely use ulti for various reasons. Whereas ulti karrie will provide movement speed that can be used to run away, chase enemies, farm quickly, and have good mobility effects. Maximize the use of ulti, not only for war, after all, the cooldown is only 20 seconds.
Also Read: Build Bruno Mobile Legends Hurts
Vexa friends have studied the best Karrie Mobile Legends builds and other things. Now make sure to practice diligently so that you can become a top player. If there is anything Vexa friends want to share, such as tips, tricks, and reviews, please share them in the comments column, OK!
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