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Always win! These are 5 Tips to Use Franco in Mobile Legends

Of the many Tanker heroes in Mobile Legends, Franco is one of many people’s favorite Tankers.

One of Franco’s mainstay skills that is very useful in the team is Iron Hook.

With this skill, Fanco can pull an opponent’s hero close to him.

After successfully withdrawn, Franco and his friends can finish off the hero who has been separated from his team.

It can be said that a team will be greatly helped by the presence of Franco.

Well, for those of you who want to be the team’s mainstay when using Franco, it’s a good idea to read the 5 tips below.

Read also:

5 Tips to Use Franco in Mobile Legends

By utilizing the Iron Hook skill, you can make it easier for the team to achieve victory. But, first know the following tips and tricks using Franco:

1. Disable the Auto Aim Feature

Always win!  These are 5 Tips to Use Franco in Mobile Legends

As we know, Mobile Legends is equipped with an auto aim feature.

This feature allows us to attack the opponent’s hero automatically without the need to manually direct the attack.

But when using Franco, this feature must be disabled.


Because your Iron Hook skill will not work properly if this feature is activated.

If this feature is activated, the Iron Hook skill you do may even hit the Minion, not the opponent’s hero.

Therefore, you must manually target the enemy when using Iron Hook.

2. Use Dominance Ice Items

Always win!  These are 5 Tips to Use Franco in Mobile Legends

This item is very mandatory for you to buy if you use Franco.


Because Dominance Ice can slow down the enemy’s movement if exposed to Franco’s passive skill.

If the enemy has slowed down, it’s automatically easier for you to pull it using Iron Hook.

Cool, right?

3. After Iron Hook, What’s Next?

Franco Mobile Legends
Franco Mobile Legends

Don’t just attract enemies using your Iron Hook.

Remember, your job is not just to attract enemies.

After you successfully pull the enemy using Iron Hook, the next step is to help your friends attack the hero.

Use Fury Shock as the first skill that you must use when successfully attracting an opposing hero.

Next, as a closing, give Brutal Massacre so that the hero you are pulling can “rest” in peace.

4. Pay attention to the movement of the hero you want to pull

Always win!  These are 5 Tips to Use Franco in Mobile Legends

In the battlefield, there will be various kinds of unpredictable possibilities.

There will be a time when you miss using the Iron Hook and the enemy is not drawn.

Therefore, do not be careless in using Iron Hook. Don’t get emotional.

Pay attention to the movement of each opponent’s hero. Make sure that you are not fooled by them.

Once sure, just use the Iron Hook to pull one of them.

It will be a little difficult at first. But if you get used to it, there will be no opposing hero who can avoid your Iron Hook trap.

5. Understand the Role, You are a Tanker

5 Best Tanker Heroes in Mobile Legends

I often see in the game. There are players who use Tankers, but they don’t play their full role as a Tanker.

Instead of holding back the opponent’s attack, he is busy farming and doesn’t care about his team.

Don’t be like that.

Act according to the hero you are using. When you use Franco, act like a Tanker should.

In addition, you can read tips to become a Tanker.

By following the 5 tips for using Franco above, the chances of your team winning will be even greater.

Come play with Franco, and pull out all your enemies!

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