8 No Man's Sky Facts That Don't Be In Other Games
No Man’s Sky is a type of FPS (First Person Shooter) game that tells the story of a traveler across the galaxy whose main goal is to find the core of the universe. To make it more exciting, the creator who is also the founder of Hello Games included a number of survival elements in the No Man’s Sky game in addition to other interesting facts. This shows that No Man’s Sky is a simulation game like ‘Sim City’, ‘Civilization’, or ‘The Sims’.
Game No Man’s Sky is one of the most anticipated exploration game titles after Skyrim (2011), Grand Theft Auto V (2021), and Fallout 4 (2021). So ambitious, Sean Murray and Grant Duncan combined the standard game-play of the three most popular games into the No Man’s Sky they made. Before going further, let’s take a look at the trailer first.
No Man’s Sky Gameplay Trailer
Like GTA V, the No Man’s Sky game has a wanted system that can make your character chased by the police (sentinels) if they commit a crime. Furthermore, in the game there are a number of factions fighting each other. You can choose one and defend it to win the battle, just like in Skyrim and Fallout 4.
The No Man’s Sky game was released for PS4 on August 9, 2021 in North America. And the next day, it’s the turn of the European Union’s PS4 that will release the biggest game in history. Meanwhile, Windows users can also play it because it was released on August 12. However, as reported by a member of Hello Games named Alex who was spread on the PlayStation 4 forum, which gave a leak about this game. What are the facts about the No Man’s Sky game? Check out the following explanation.
There are 18 Million Trillion Planets
The number of planets in this game to be precise is 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. Alex says it takes you 585 billion years to visit all the planets, and that’s if your visit lasts one second on each planet. In addition, each planet has unique characteristics. The Hello Games team does not store the planet’s data on your PS4 or PC hard disk. Stored there are mathematical formulas. The formula is useful for establishing a place in the ‘No Man’s Sky’ universe instantly once visited.
Most Uninhabited Planets
Like in the solar system of the Sun, the other solar systems in the game No Man’s Sky mostly contain uninhabited planets. There are at most one or two inhabited planets in an alien solar system. Even so, each planet has resources that can be taken to continue the journey of space.
Have a digital Ecosystem
Once there was an inhabited planet, most of the inhabitants were alien animals. They have routines and hunt each other like animals in the real world. These alien animals can also attack players. Unfortunately, players who kill these alien animals can be chased by the police for destroying the natural balance of the planet. More or less the same as on earth, guys.
Have Own Economic System
‘No Man’s Sky’ has its own economic system, each inhabited planet has its own economic system with different supply and demand. As a result, the price of goods on each planet is different. In addition, each planet can send convoys of merchant planes to other planets. On the way, the convoy could be attacked by space hijackers. Is it fun?
Have a Bug Detecting Bot
Usually, game developers rely on team foresight or consumer complaints to find a bug, then fix it. Since the universe in this game is very wide, Hello Games needs another way to detect bugs that might appear. Therefore, they created a bots whose job is to explore the galaxy in the game to find errors. The report will be accepted automatically and can be corrected by the team immediately. However, it took the bots 585 billion years to explore the entire artificial universe.
Have a Law-Free Planet
Not all places in this game universe have Sentinels. In such places, everyone is free to practice the ‘law of the jungle.’ In other words, you can take advantage of the situation to completely mine the planet’s resources if you have the heart hehe.
No Main Story
Because of the many worlds that can be visited, Hello Games decided that in this game there is no main story line that needs to be followed. The task of each player from the beginning is to find the core of the earth. In order to accomplish the mission, they will need to stop at each planet to gather information, travel equipment, or simply refuel the plane. Of course, each planet has its own story line.
Can Be a Discoverer of Alien Species
Since this is a space simulation game, you will find many extraterrestrial beings whether they are humans, animals, or alien plants. If you are the first to find the alien species, you have the right to name the species as you wish.
Since the game is online, other players will find similar species. If you have given the species a name, the name will be used by other players. Not bad, who knows, you might become The next Charles Darwin of the game ‘No Man’s Sky’.
Well, based on these eight facts, it can be concluded that ‘No Man’s Sky’ is the most intentional game made in 2021. So far, the public response has been very good about the appearance of the game. The admin just wants to say that if you play this game, don’t forget the real world where you live everyday haha.
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