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7 Tips on How to Play Mobile Legends for Beginners to Be Fast

mrfdn – It has been more than 2 years that the mobile legends game has been played by people all over the world. Of course, until now many players have been proficient at playing it.

But for those who are still beginners, and are just learning to play mobile legend, it’s certainly not too late.

But before that, remember that mastering the mobile legends game is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand.

It turns out that this game should not be taken lightly.

Maybe some of us say that ah it’s a child’s play. The characters are small like dolls, minions, and whatever.

But try playing it yourself.

tips for playing mobile legends for beginners

If you don’t have a strategy, you will definitely lose.

This game is a favorite of many people, from adults to children. But today’s kids just like playing pubg, because it looks more fun.

Yep, that’s right, playing pubg is fun, but mobile legends can be very stressful.

This requires team cohesiveness, knowing when to attack and when to retreat.

Our main mission is to defeat the opponent in the land of down (the name of the map in the mobile legends game) by destroying the tower base.

This game can take about 10 to 20 minutes or more. It depends on how strong our opponent is.

Just look how exciting the game for pro mobile legends players is.

They were quiet, but thought very hard how to fight their enemies. Not just asan pressing the attack button. But moving, running over every attack.

How to play mobile legends for beginners

There are several things that can be noted in playing this mobile legends game. To be more proficient at playing it.

Here are tips from me as a lay player. I also followed some suggestions from pro players from youtube.

He said like this.

1. Understand the role of each hero

In the mobile legends game, there are 6 types of heroes who will play their roles as

  • Mage (witches, they usually act as assistants from a team that has a fighter or tank hero. Has great strength, but is very fragile if left alone, so they always walk side by side with heroes who have good basic attacks like fighters)
  • Assassin (killers, this type of hero always goes alone. His habit is to hide in the bushes. Don’t let the enemy see. Hero assassins play an important role in finishing. For example, when the enemy is dying, the assassin will end it easily)
  • Fighter (fighters, this hero will usually move everywhere to kill the minions. Don’t use a fighter hero to fight against the opponent’s hero because his defense is not good enough, try walking with a tank hero, or mage)
  • Marksman (shooter, this hero is often called the mm hero. This type of hero uses shooting skills. So the enemy can be defeated from a distance. This hero is good for defending, as well as attacking the turret quickly)
  • Support (helper, this hero is likened to a medical team. He will heal teammates if the blood runs low, and various other things, basically helping teammates)
  • Tank (protector, tanker hero has a strong defense. It’s not easy to die if you meet an opponent. Even though it’s hard to beat, tankers are even harder to kill the opponent)

By understanding this, you must already have an idea of ​​how to choose the right hero in playing mobile legends.

2. Choose a suitable hero

heroes that are suitable for playing mobile legends

Beginners may find it difficult if they have to play a lot of heroes. And certainly not all can be mastered easily. It takes a certain skill to play a certain hero.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to play the right hero.

For example, at the beginning you play a marksman-type hero, then try to maximize your skills on the mm hero only. Don’t be tempted to play a new hero that you don’t necessarily master.

Especially if you’re pushing rank. You might not rank up, and even drop in rank.

3. Understand the build gear used

build gear items mobile legends

This mobile legends game is a strategy game. Before the game starts you have to choose the gear or equipment used by the hero to fight his enemies later.

Neither team can see what items will be made, until later in the match begins.

There are heroes who are made immune, there are heroes who are made sicker, and so on.

To make it easier, try watching youtube and then follow how to build certain heroes, then follow them. For example, you want to build a Dyrroth hero, the newest hero that is hot right now.

By understanding the gear used, and the gear used by the opponent, you can defeat the enemy quickly.

4. Understanding the opponent’s hero

hero vs mobile legend

You can easily win playing mobile legends if you know the hero you are fighting.

For example, you are fighting a marksman hero, then the way to beat him is to try using a fighter hero, and a tanker.

Each hero has advantages and disadvantages. By understanding the hero used by your opponent, you can be more careful in carrying out attacks.

5. See the opponent’s position on the map

At the beginning of the game, you will be taken to a map. You have 6 turrets to guard. Likewise, your opponent also has 6 turrets in the same position.

Don’t just focus on looking at the main screen. But occasionally take a peek at the top left corner of the screen. There you can see the movements of your opponents and friends.

If you move yourself to a point to attack, make sure you’re safe there. For example, if you want to attack the turret yourself, then make sure you walk with your minions then pay attention to the movement of the opponent around you.

If you are not sure, go your own way, just help your friends.

6. Level up the emblem

raise mobile legend emblem

Emblem function is to give some kind of extra power to the hero. This is important to note, do not let you upgrade wrong.

Try upgrading the emblem to the hero you focus on playing.

For example, if you play a hero mage, then maximize the level of the emblem to the mage only. Even though you can buy easily using a ticket, it would be nice if you maximize it on one emblem first.

Then your hero will definitely be better at fighting in the lamb of down.

7. See how to play player pro

On YouTube you can watch thousands of tutorials to play a certain hero. Starting from novice players to pro players.

By watching how to play pro players you will have an idea of ​​how to win the mobile legend game well.

How to play pro players is very different from ordinary players.


If you are a beginner, you will always want to attack. However, this is less effective. We must know when to attack and not.

The final word

By understanding the above, I’m sure you can master the mobile legends game very easily. It’s even faster to rank up.

Hopefully these tips are useful for those of you who are new to playing Mobile Legends.

Read also :: Tips for overcoming mobile legends lag

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