7 News People Addicted to Online Games & Its Negative Impacts
Online games are currently growing due to advances in digital technology. But in reality this development has a very frightening reality. According to the news, the number of mental hospitals that accept patients with mental disorders “Gaming Disorder“The consequences of online game addiction are increasing and ironically most of the patients who are negatively affected are adults and children.
Data in October 2021 mentioned a number of cases of mental disorders due to online game addiction in several hospitals in Indonesia. At the Regional Mental Hospital (RSJD) Amino Gondohutomo, Semarang City alone, there were 8 students reported to be addicted to online games. The following is news about the negative impact of online game addiction with moderate to severe consequences.
Likes to Hit My Own Head
DF, a junior high school student in Mojokerto suffers from primary hypertension due to playing online games too often. This disease usually affects adults, which arises because the body is not moving and the mind is drained. But in reality, DF, who is still in junior high school, is already suffering from this disease.
DF’s parents said that almost every day, starting from school until 8 pm, he always played online games at the internet cafe. He only stopped at sunset to bathe and eat, after that he resumed his activities. As a result of this illness, DF complained of an unbearable headache so that he often hit his own head.
Doing Theft in Kindergarten
Three teenagers in Sleman who are addicted to online games have apparently lost their eyes. They broke into a Kindergarten (TK) to steal valuables such as laptops, cameras and cash amounting to 5.5 million. Thanks to the CCTV in the kindergarten building, the three teenagers were identified and arrested a few days later while hanging out in front of the kindergarten.
Desperate to Steal a Motorcycle
In Samarinda, a teenager with the initials AP, is desperate to steal a motorbike because his parents don’t give him money to play online games. His brain, which is already seriously addicted to it, finally makes him take shortcuts by stealing motorbikes. Not just once, but AP did it many times. The money from the motorbike theft was used by AP to play online games and drink liquor.
Stealing People’s Cell Phones
If you don’t have money, you don’t have to play online games. But it’s different from F, even though he doesn’t have money but still wants to play online games. Until finally F chose a shortcut by taking FR’s cellphone which happened to be passing in a deserted area.
Because of fear finally FR gave up his cellphone. Not long after, FR, the victim, met the perpetrator F at an internet cafe. FR and his parents came to the perpetrator and took him to the police station to take responsibility for his actions.
Become a Beggar
Addiction to online games is getting worse day by day. In Aceh, a 10-year-old snot-nosed boy was desperate to beg in markets and roads just to earn money and play online games at an internet cafe. Even this snotty kid does it every day just so he can play in the internet cafe. And what’s worse, the internet cafe owner who knows this allows the children to do whatever they want as long as the money keeps flowing.
Abandoning Your Own Children
Recently, a woman who claimed to be named Winda Wirawan wrote her story in the Mobile Legends review column on Playstore. She doesn’t know what else to do because her husband is so addicted to Mobile Legends that he doesn’t want to work and doesn’t care about taking care of his children. Even in one incident her children were injured because her husband did not want to help her when she was in trouble. Winda said that she even asked for a divorce because her husband was addicted to this game.
Having a Stroke
Not only in Indonesia, in the Philippines a 23-year-old young girl had a stroke after playing the online game Mobile Legends for 8 hours in one day. This has been going on for several months, even this young girl often sacrifices her sleep just to play online games. The family said that the incident that happened to their child could be a lesson for other children not to experience the same thing.
Game News Editor’s Message
It is undeniable, in addition to the negative effects, there are many benefits of playing online games, but behind these advantages there is a very terrible danger called gaming disorder. Those who experience this gaming disorder are no longer able to distinguish between priority and non-priority. In this condition, the negative impact is not only on ourselves, but also on the loved ones around us.
The only thing that can be done to prevent is to limit ourselves or our children, because basically anything excessive has a bad impact. Love yourself, love your family, limit playing online games to forget the time for our own future.
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