Through this article, Kabar Games will tell you what Build Items are suitable for Hayabusa heroes. here build items Hayabusa that you can try. Check out the full description.
Bloodlust Ax has a base stat of +70 Physical Attack which is usually added in the early game. With such a large number of physical attacks, your hero becomes quite sick. In addition, +10% Cooldown Reduction will make it easier for you to spam skills.
For 20% Spell vamp given by Bloodlust Ax it will be calculated based on the skill you use. In other words, if you inflict 1000 damage from the skill you use, then you will receive 20% HP Recovery from the damage you dealt.
+70 Physical ATK +10% CD Reduction Unique Passive
Malefic Roar
Malefic Roar is an attack item that is often used by marksman, fighter and assassin heroes, especially heroes who rely on basic attacks. Malefic Roar only adds a basic status in the form of physical attacks, because the mainstay of this item is its passive.
Where Malefic Roar will redeem 20% of the turret’s defense which can speed up the destruction of the turret. When there is an unbalanced game condition, Hayabusa can use this item for a split pusher. This item will be effective if it is in the late game, for that you can buy this item in the late game.
Unique Passive
Passive Ability
Armor Buster : Basic Attack will ignore 20% Defense of the Defense Armor Turret. Blade of Despair
You can make Assassin heroes sicker with additional Blade of Despair (BOD) items. BOD is the favorite item of player choice because this item contributes a very large Physical which is + 170 Physical Damage and also + 5% Movement Speed. The passive ability in BOD allows you to attack other heroes who have HP below 50%. Plus the Physical Damage of the hero you use will increase by 25% for 2 seconds.
In essence, the use of this item in the early game will greatly benefit the Assassin, even making him look like a King. Because with the amount of Physical Damage it has, it will make it easier for the Assassin to kill the enemy, and the enemy will certainly have difficulty withstanding this damage. However, the use of Blade of Despair (BOD) in the early game should also be considered carefully, considering the price of this item is not cheap.
+170 Physical ATK +5% Movement Speed Passive Ability
Despair: Attacking enemy units that have HP below 50% will increase the hero’s Physical Attack by 25% for 2 seconds Warrior Boots
Shoes are an item that must be used by all heroes when playing the Mobile Legends Bang Bang game, Hayabusa is no exception. The selection of shoe items should be adjusted to the opponent being faced, as the main function of the shoe is to provide movement speed so that the hero used can move more freely and have high mobility.
If the enemy you are facing is an enemy with a burst damage type, then choose a shoe with a durability type. Even though he is known as a slippery and difficult “eel” hero, Hayabusa still needs shoes to run away or chase opponents.
Warrior Boots are an appropriate item for Hayabusa, with +40 Movement Speed and +22 Armor acceptance, of course it will make it easier for Hayabusa to kill opponent Makrsman or fight heroes with large physical attacks.
Passive Ability
Valor: Adds Physical Defense of 5 to 25 points for each attack received, this effect lasts for 3 seconds. Unique Passive
Hunter Strike
Hunter Strike is a mainstay item for marksman and assassin heroes. Especially heroes who attack by relying on skills like Hayabusa. The basic status of the Hunter Strike item is to provide +100 Physical Attack which can damage the hero plus increase the pain. A large enough number for the size of a hero who relies on skill.
The attributes on Hunter Strike are almost the same as Ax, namely +10% Cooldown Reduction which will make your hero issue skills faster. In addition to the attributes mentioned above, there are also other attributes such as Passive – Pursue which if you attack the enemy 5 times in a row, your hero’s movement speed will increase by 30% for 2 seconds. With a cooldown effect for 15 seconds. You can get this item for 2010 gold.
+100 Physical ATK +10% CD Reduction Passive Ability
Pursue: Attacking the opponent’s hero or Creep 5 times in a row will increase the Hero’s movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds.
Endless Battle
To complete the core items that you already have, you can add Endless Battle items. For heroes who rely on skills to attack enemies, of course this item will be very useful. The item is dubbed All in One item or multipurpose item because it not only provides additional physical attacks but also HP, mana regen, physical attack, cooldown reduction and 15 percent lifesteal.
Not only the additional status above, generally Endless Battle users also target Unique Passive in the form of Divine Justice and Chase Fate. With a basic attack, this passive will help provide burst damage, of course this will really help Hayabusa.
+65 Physical ATK +25 Mana Regen +250 HP + 10% Cooldown Reduction +5% Movement SPD + 15% Lifesteal Passive Ability
Divine Justice: After using the skill, the next attack will add 85% Physical Attack as True Damage with a cooldown time of 1.5 seconds. Rose Gold Meteor
Rose Gold Meteor is the newest item in the hero item shop. Before buying this item you are required to sell jungle items. This item has attributes, namely +60 Physical ATK, +30 Magic RES, and +5% Lifesteal. Rose Gold Meteor can turn into a shield that can absorb 510-– 1350 damage for 3 seconds when HP or blood is below (+0%) with Cooldown effect for 40 seconds.
+60 Physical Attack +30 Magical Defense +5% Physical Lifesteal Unique Passive-Lifeline
If the Hero’s HP is below 30%, will get a shield that absorbs 510-1350 Damage (increases according to Level) Well, the Hayabusa build item above is a build item that is often used by Pro Players. So now you know what hayabusa builds hurt? There are still many of the best Mobile Legends build items that we haven’t discussed yet. So, just wait for the next build update. Hopefully this article is useful and don’t forget to share this article on your social media.
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