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3 Ways to Make a Square M in Microsoft Word (100% Work)

In the branch of Mathematics, we must have known various kinds or types of units. Mathematical units are also often encountered in everyday life and we meet in mathematics subject matter. If we usually write down mathematical units in books, have you ever written mathematical units into Microsoft Word application?

We really need to write down math units into a Microsoft Word document if you are writing a math problem or reviewing a math lesson. Therefore, we must know how to write mathematical units.

One of the mathematical units that we often encounter and use is m square. M square stands for square meters. A square meter is a unit of area that has a length of 1 m and a width of 1 m.

How to Write a Square Meter Symbol in Word

Square meters are also generally used for units of areas or areas that have small sizes, for example, such as building area or land area. Square meters are also often referred to as square meters. In this tutorial I will explain how to create a square M in Word.

To make a square M in Microsoft Word application, I have 3 ways. And here are 3 ways to make a square M in Microsoft Word.

1. The First Way

The first way to create square meters in Microsoft Word is by using the toolbar menu at the top of the Microsoft Word view. Here’s a step-by-step explanation for creating square meters in Microsoft Word.

1. The unit square meter is written with the letter M and there is a small number 2 above it. And to make the number two we have to write it down first M2 on the Word page sheet. If you have, then block number 2 which is next to the letter M as shown below.

how to make a square M in Microsoft Word

2. Then enter the menu Home, and look at the font section there is a button X2. Click the button. Then the number two which is located next to the letter M will turn small and its position is on top as shown in the picture.

square root

2. Second Way

The second way to create this square meter is to use a shortcut. Shortcuts are shortcuts that we can use to do something quickly. To use the shortcut, we must click the key button that is inputted from the keyboard.

1. Same as the previous step, type M2 on the Word page. Then block on the number two next to the letter M.

how to make a square M in Microsoft Word

2. Next type the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + = through the keyboard. Then the number 2 which is located next to the letter M will decrease and be on top.

square meter

3. Third Way

The last way to make square meters in Word we need Equation Math. Equation is a menu where we can enter mathematical equations into Word. Here are the steps in creating square meters in Word.

1. Open the Word document for which you want to create a square meter. The trick is to click the menu Insert.

square meter

2. Then look at the Symbols section. Click menu Equation.

square meter

3. Then a box will appear for us to enter mathematical equations. Click the box and type M^2. Then click Enter.

square meter

4. Now, the square meter symbol has been successfully created.

how to make a square M symbol in Microsoft Word

That’s the article that explains how to make square meters in Microsoft Word. Hopefully this article can help you in making the square meter mathematical unit and other mathematical units.

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