2 Ways to Get Rid of Pop Up Ads on Android (100% Work)
Two ways to get rid of pop-up ads on Android phones that are very annoying and irritate users
Ads that often appear or appear on browser pages often make us feel annoyed. Because these ads usually appear when we are cool to read articles, news or when downloading files via the internet.
The advertisements displayed are also of various types, not infrequently we will find explicit advertisements such as gambling advertisements and so on.
With such an explicit advertisement, it must not be pleasing to the eye. So we have to disable pop-up ads like that on the browser page. To disable or eliminate pop-up ads on Android browser pages, we can use two ways.
Both of these methods are very easy, because we do not need to use additional applications or third applications. You can get rid of it through settings.
2 Ways to Get Rid of Pop Up Ads on Android
Ads that are very annoying indeed we must remove as soon as possible. There are even advertisements that were created to spread computer viruses. So that our cellphones can later be infected with computer viruses if we accidentally click on these ads.
Therefore, to protect the phone from such dangerous viruses, we must disable or eliminate pop up ads on Android. Here are 2 ways to get rid of pop up ads on Android.
1. The First Way
The first way we can manage it through ad personalization. Where in these settings, we can eliminate pop-up ads that appear on our Android phone browsers. Here’s the tutorial.
1. The first step that must be done is by entering the menu Arrangement or Settings on your Android phone. Then scroll down until you find the menu Google like in the picture below.
2. Then you will enter the Google menu that has been synced by your account. Then click menu Advertisement.
3. Now on this menu, make sure you have disabled or disable the option Do not participate in Personalization Ads.
4. Then return to the previous menu, namely the Google menu. And click the button Manage Your Google Account located under your email address.
5. The next step is to enter the Data & Personalization menu. And in that menu there is a Personalization section of ads. Click button Go to Ads Settings in the personalization section of the ad.
6. Slide the ad personalization toggle as shown in the image below to disable ad personalization.
7. Then a menu box will appear where we can disable ad personalization. Click the button Disable.
8. Then click menu Go to Your Online Choices.
9. Then you will be redirected to the YourAdChoices page. Wait a few moments until the initialization process is complete.
10. Next click menu Continue.
11. Then various companies will appear. Click menu select all to select all the companies. Then click menu Pop Out All.
12. Wait until the process is complete. If you have, then now you are free from pop-up ads that appear on mobile browsers.
2. Second Way
You can use this second method if the first method still doesn’t work to eradicate pop-up ads that appear in your browser. Here’s how.
1. Open your Google Chrome browser. Then click the profile menu that contains your Google account photo.
2. Then many menus will appear, click menu Settings.
3. Next enter the menu Site Settings.
4. In the Site Settings menu, go to the menu Cookies.
5. Make sure you have checked the Block third party cookies section.
6. Then return to the Site Settings menu, and click the menu Pop-ups and redirects.
7. Then swipe toggle Pop-ups and redirects to activate block sites.
8. Return to the Site Settings menu. Then click menu Advertisement.
9. Then slide the toggle on the Ads menu.
That’s the article that explains how to get rid of pop up ads that appear on your Android phone’s browser. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

Just someone who loves to write and is interested in Technology. And people who always believe in the words ‘Effort will not betray Results’.
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