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(100% Work) 3 Ways to Fix Windows Explorer Not Responding in Windows 10

How to solve Windows Explorer not responding Windows 10? Those of you who are currently using the Windows operating system are certainly no stranger to Windows Explorer. Windows explorer is a piece of software that is an integral part of Windows.

That is, when you install the Windows operating system, then you will automatically install windows explorer. As the name implies, this application is used to allow you to easily browse Windows windows.

Windows explorer does provide a graphical interface that users can use to access files. They can access various kinds of files and folders in windows explorer easily. So, the existence of windows explorer is very important because if it is not there, you will have difficulty when you want to access files or folders on your computer or laptop.

How to Fix Windows Explorer Not Responding in Windows 10

There are three solutions for how to solve Windows Explorer not responding on Windows 10 that you can apply. Make sure you start with the first solution, if it doesn’t work you can move on to the next solution.

Solution 1: Restart Windows Explorer

1. Press combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc tombol key to open Task Manager. Then select Windows Explorer.

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2. After that right click then select End task. The appearance of your desktop may change slightly, but that’s okay.

How to Fix Windows Explorer Not Responding

3. After that move to the menu File > Run new task.

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4. Type explorer then select OK. Windows Explorer will return to running normally.

How to Fix Windows Explorer Not Responding Windows 10

Solution 2: Change File Explorer Options Default Settings

1. Press Windows key on the keyboard then type and select File Explorer Options.

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2. In options Open File Explorer to, you choose This PC. Next you choose Restore Defaults and finally select OK.

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Solution 3: Adjust Display Settings

1. Press Windows key + I to enter the menu Windows Settings.

How to Easily Solve Windows Explorer Not Responding

2. In settings Scales and layouts, you choose which Recommended just.

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More About Windows Explorer

In general, the term windows explorer is used to describe the management of files on a computer or laptop that uses the Windows operating system. The process is run by Explorer.exe which will later be used to handle some functionality, such as searching and associating file extensions. In addition, Windows Explorer also has the responsibility to display the wallpaper, desktop, start menu, my computer, control panel, and so on.

There are several benefits that you can get with the windows explorer. Some of these benefits include:

  • With windows explorer, you can do several things such as create folders, delete folders, move folders, or edit folders or files on your device.
  • You can also search for the file you want by using complex queries.
  • Windows explorer is also useful in mapping a directory that is on a network host to a local drive and can be used to decide on the mapping.
  • Windows explorer you can also use to manipulate properties or metadata against some system object or file.

Even for operating systems like Windows NT 4, Windows X, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2000, and also Windows Vista, you will be allowed to set and control access permissions on the file system, especially for NTF, file ownership, or auditing. Therefore, the role of windows explorer is very important.

Causes of Windows Explorer Not Responding

Sometimes there are several conditions that cause windows explorer not responding. When you open windows explorer, it turns out that windows explorer does not respond. This condition can be caused by several things which we will explain below.

1. Explorer.exe error

The cause of windows explorer not responding could be due to an error explore.exe. At the beginning, we explained that explorer.exe is what will run the process on windows explorer. When you experience an error, then of course Windows Explorer also has an error so it can’t give a response, aka not responding. This problem usually also causes windows explorer to suddenly close itself even though you don’t click the cross (X). In addition, when explorer.exe experiences an error, it can also result in an empty explorer window display alias blank.

2. There is a corrupt file or thumbnail

The cause of Windows Explorer not responding can also occur due to corrupt images or thumbnails. Usually the notification that will appear is windows explorer has stopped working. If you experience problems like this, it’s possible that the image file or thumbnail is corrupt or corrupt.

3. RAM performance is too heavy

The problem of windows explorer not responding can also be due to RAM performance. Maybe your computer has RAM with standard capacity while you often run heavy applications or open files, or folders with a considerable amount. If left, then windows explorer has an error and will not respond.

That’s how to solve Windows Explorer not responding on Windows 10 that you can apply right now. Good luck and easy to understand!

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