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10 Best & Painful Weapons in PUBG Mobile, Auto Chicken Dinner!

Chicken dinner is the main goal of all players in PUBG PC and Mobile. You must be able to defeat all enemies quickly and precisely, starting from loot then to-kill until the end of the game. For that, you need a weapon with damage tall, strong and indeed the best, don’t justloot. In simple terms, these weapons are capable ofkill enemies with only a few shots so it is more effective.

In the current PUBG game, there are already many types of weapons. And there must be some weapons with damage high in PUBG compared to other weapons. When loot or wait airdrop, make sure to search and get this weapon. Don’t forget, you also need supporting devices so that damageit’s a lot more. But you still have to practice with these weapons, yes, if you’re good at it, it’s not impossible when using the weapons that VazGaming recommends below can make you…kill enemies very quickly and it will be easier to get Chicken Dinner.

Well, already curious? Here’s a list of the 10 Best & Painful Weapons in PUBG Mobile, Auto Chicken Dinner! (Updated 2021) along with its full specifications:

Related: 10+ Best & Strongest Weapons in Free Fire Right Now (Update 2021)

1. AWM – Sniper Rifle

AWM Best and Painful PUBG Weapon
AWM Best and Painful PUBG Weapon

Weapon type sniping this one is indeed a mainstay of players because it has greater damage and is effective for long distances. If you want headshot and kill enemies quickly, AWM is a must-have weapon.

The advantages are more than 120 points of damage and kill enemy even with a level three protective helmet, so don’t be surprised if this weapon is the most targeted. However, you have to wait airdrop due to AWM, its attachments and bullets are not available in the loot in general. In addition, another advantage of this weapon is that you can fire AWM at enemies from a distance of 500 meters.

AWM Weapon Stats:

Powers:100 / 100
Recoil:35 / 100
Range:100 / 100
Firing Speed:4 / 100
Weapon Type:Sniper Rifle
Number of Ammo:5
Ammunition Type:300 Magnum

Also Read:

2. M24 – Sniper Rifle

M24 PUBG's Best and Worst Weapon
M24 PUBG’s Best and Worst Weapon

AWM is indeed a weapon that is most sought after by many players, but AWM cannot be found easily because it is only available in airdrop even though it’s possible airdrop still not sure. So for that, if you can’t get AWM, the next option you can look for is M24. .

The M24 weapon has damage awarded 84 points. You just shoot once and enemies with level 2 helmets will die instantly headshot. Make sure to combine the M24 attachments correctly so that damage the resulting maximum, and of course you also need 7.26 mm caliber bullets.

M24 Weapon Stats:

Powers:80 / 100
Recoil:33 / 100
Range:96 / 100
Firing Speed:5 / 100
Weapon Type:Sniper Rifle
Number of Ammo:5
Ammunition Type:7.62mm

3. Groza – Assault Rifle

Groza PUBG's Best and Worst Weapon
Groza PUBG’s Best and Worst Weapon

The next best PUBG mobile weapon is Groza, nicknamed as the best PUBG Mobile Assault Rifle weapon at the moment, Groza is indeed a prima donna for pro players. With medium range capabilities and become one of the weapons with the greatest damage.

Unfortunately, this one weapon is categorized as special because it can only be obtained in Air Drops.

Groza Weapon Stats:

Powers:40 / 100
Recoil:32 / 100
Range:60 / 100
Firing Speed:72 / 100
Weapon Type:Assault Rifle
Number of Ammo:30
Ammunition Type:7.62mm

4. SKS – Sniper Rifle

SKS Best and Painful PUBG Weapons
SKS Best and Painful PUBG Weapons

Samozaryadny Karabin sistemy Simonova or better known as SKS is a semi sniper weapon with very high shooting speed and great damage. So that if it is combined with Scope 4x then at any distance this weapon is actually a prima donna.

SKS Weapon Stats:

Powers:49 / 100
Recoil:47 / 100
Range:60 / 100
Firing Speed:31 / 100
Weapon Type:Marksman Rifle
Number of Ammo:10
Ammunition Type:7.62mm

5. M249 – LMG

M249 PUBG's Best and Worst Weapon
M249 PUBG’s Best and Worst Weapon

The best weapon in pubg mobile, then rambo, this one can also be calculated with good statistics, starting from the damage included in the largest category, shooting speed and very high shooting distance.

To make it even more painful, the M249 can be combined with Attachments such as Scope Iron Sight (Default), Red Dot Sight, Holo Sight 2X, 3x, 4X, 6X.

M249 Weapon Stats:

Powers:40 / 100
Recoil:34 / 100
Range:71 / 100
Firing Speed:76 / 100
Weapon Type:Light Machine Gun
Number of Ammo:100
Ammunition Type:5.56mm

6. Kar98k – Sniper Rifle

Kar98K PUBG's Best and Worst Weapon
Kar98K PUBG’s Best and Worst Weapon

As a weapon sniper The Kar98k is quite effective at shooting enemies from a distance, and has become popular as well because the weapon is available during combat.loot and airdrop. Damage awarded is 72 points. Although the damage generated is not as big as AWM, even like M24, but it is quite deadly.

Before using it, you must be in a strategic position, especially when hiding. For this weapon, what you need to watch out for is reloading because the weakness of the Kar98k is a long reload, even though you have paired it. bullet loop though.

Kar98k Weapon Stats:

Powers:69 / 100
Recoil:30 / 100
Range:80 / 100
Firing Speed:4 / 100
Weapon Type:Sniper Rifle
Number of Ammo:5
Ammunition Type:7.62mm

7. SCAR-L – Assault Rifle

SCAR-L PUBG's Best and Worst Weapon
SCAR-L PUBG’s Best and Worst Weapon

Since the beginning of its appearance this weapon has quickly become a favorite of gamers and pro players because this weapon is very good for use at medium distances. And also this SCAR-L has become one of the Assault Rifle weapons with the highest damage so it will hurt if it hits the enemy.

SCAR-L Weapon Stats:

Powers:42 / 100
Recoil:31 / 100
Range:55 / 100
Firing Speed:70 / 100
Weapon Type:Assault Rifle
Number of Ammo:30
Ammunition Type:5.56mm

8. S12K – Shotgun

S12K PUBG's Best and Worst Weapon
S12K PUBG’s Best and Worst Weapon

Being the only shotgun that made it onto this list, the S12K is indeed the sickest shotgun currently in PUBG Mobile. With a semi-automatic mechanism so that enemies at close range will be in great pain and with time reload which soon made him a mainstay.

S12K Weapon Stats:

Powers:20 / 100
Recoil:86 / 100
Range:9 / 100
Firing Speed:14 / 100
Weapon Type:Shotgun
Number of Ammo:5
Ammunition Type:12 Gauge

9. Crossbow

Image Source: PUBG Corp
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The next weapon is the Crossbow. Many underestimate this weapon because of its shape and seem less lethal. However, you should know that the crossbow has damage which is quite large, namely 105 points, so this crossbow becomes the second highest weapon after AWM in terms of damage.

The advantage of this weapon is that it does not make a sound when fired, so of course the enemy will have difficulty finding your location. However, you have to be at close range and the reloading is time consuming. Therefore, players must have skills to shoot, hide, and move quickly before using the crossbow.

10. Win94 – Sniper Rifle

Win94 Best and Painful PUBG Weapons
Win94 Best and Painful PUBG Weapons

The next last weapon is the Win94 one sniper which is unique because this weapon cannot be combined with scope. This is a weapon for beginners who want to use mode sniping when shooting. The damage is around 72.6 points. What’s interesting is that Win94 is available as a complete set. You don’t have to worry about scopes, bullets, and bullet loop.

Win94 Weapon Stats:

Powers:60 / 100
Recoil:56 / 100
Range:80 / 100
Firing Speed:11 / 100
Weapon Type:Sniper Rifle
Number of Ammo:8
Ammunition Type:.45 ACP

Well, that’s the list of the best and strongest weapons in PUBG Mobile at the moment Updated 2021. How? Interesting isn’t it, from the VazGaming recommendations above what is your favorite weapon? Using the right weapon will give you a faster chicken diner opportunity and a higher winning presentation.

you can-loot or wait airdrop for weapons with high damage like the example above, but keep in mind to maximize you also have to practice getting used to using the weapon.

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