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These are the New Weapons and Artifacts in Genshin Impact Version 1.2

This December 23, 2021 Genshin Impact will enter the latest update entitled “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon”. With the opening of Dragonspine, the world of Teyvat will have a new area with cold and snowy weather. Various new types of enemies appear to block your adventure, plus a new feature of extreme weather.

With this, the miHoYo developer has announced a variety of new weapons when Version 1.2 is released, along with 2 new artifacts. Let’s see one by one…


4 new weapons *4 and 1 weapon *5 have been shown, along with information on their effects and how to obtain them.

Festering Desire (Sword *4)

Weapon effect: Increases Elemental Skill DMG and CRIT Rate.

How to get: Complete the Story Quest “Princeps Cretaceus Chapter: Act I” and Event Quest “Festering Desire” to get this exclusive sword.

Snow-Tombed Starsilver (Claymore *4)

Weapon effect: at any given time, attacking the enemy using Normal and Charged Attack will drop ice chunks on the enemy with an Area of ​​Effect (AoE) effect. For enemies affected by the Cryo effect will get much greater damage.

How to get: while exploring Dragonspine, meet certain criteria to obtain this Claymore and its forging blueprint.

Dragonspine Spear (Polearm *4)

Weapon effect: at any given time, attacking the enemy using Normal and Charged Attack will drop ice chunks on the enemy with an Area of ​​Effect (AoE) effect. For enemies affected by the Cryo effect will get much greater damage.

How to get: While exploring Wyrmrest Valley, you can collect an item called Strange Teeth. With this the World Quest “The Festering Fang” will be available. Complete this quest to get this Polearm and its forging blueprint.

Frostbearer (Catalyst *4)

Weapon effect: at any given time, attacking the enemy using Normal and Charged Attack will drop ice chunks on the enemy with an Area of ​​Effect (AoE) effect. For enemies affected by the Cryo effect will get much greater damage.

How to get: when the Frostbearing Tree has reached Level 10, each Traveler will be awarded a blueprint for making this Catalyst.

Summit Shaper (Sword *5)

Weapon effect: increases the Shield Strength of the owner, and all other party members (single player mode). When in shield protection, the ATK boost effect will increase. When attacking the enemy will increase ATK, a maximum of 5 stacks.

How to get: available on the weapon event banner “Epitome Invocation” which appears at the same time as Albedo’s character event banner.


For fans of Qiqi, Childe and various other Cryo and Hydro classes, you can create new builds with 2 new sets of artifacts. By talking to NPC Iris at the Dragonspine camp you will unlock the quest “In the Mountains.” Complete this quest to unlock a new Domain located at the top of the Dragonspine called Peak of Vindagnyr. Conquer the challenges of this domain to get Cryo and Hydro type artifacts.

Blizzard Strayer (Cryo *4 and *5)

Artifact effect:

2-set: increases Cryo DMG Bonus by 15%

4-set: increases CRIT when attacking Cryo-affected enemies. If the enemy is frozen, will get an additional CRIT Rate bonus.

Heart of Depth (Hydro *4 and *5)

Artifact effect:

2-set: increases Hydro DMG Bonus by 15%

4-set: After using Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG for some time.

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