The Most Effective Way to Save Android Battery
Low-bat of course will be very disturbing, especially in times of extreme weather like this. Sometimes unfavorable weather will disrupt the flow of electricity so that our homes often turn off the lights suddenly. What’s more, if our batteries haven’t been charged and there are only a few left… Wow, we’re even worse.
Conditioned like that, of course we need smartphone to communicate with colleagues, friends or family. The limited battery life makes us often anxious when the battery smartphone you’re done. Not to mention, if we don’t know when the electricity will come on.
Well, speaking of this, Pemmz will provide tips for you “How to save Android battery” the most effective. Instead of just blabbering, check it out!
1. Stamina Mode / Ultra Stamina Mode
Both modes will help if conditions smartphone we’re on a very dying battery. Stamina Mode will help your cellphone to be quite efficient in a way reduce the performance of smartphone We without compromising any application. Whereas, Ultra Stamina Mode can also help the cellphone to save money by turning off important features such as Wi-Fi and Data connection and also several other applications so that our smartphone battery consumption is very, very economical.
2. Airplane Mode and Lower Brightness
If you are heavy to use Ultra Stamina Mode, maybe this method can help you.
Use Airplane Mode can also help use your battery to make it last longer, the difference is Airplane Mode can turn off your connectivity features temporarily, but you can still use smartphone you normally without any reduction in performance.
Reduce brightness on smartphone can also reduce your battery usage significantly and your eyes will be healthier because your eyes are not directly exposed to UV rays.
3. Reduce Widgets and Apps on Home Screen and Don’t Forget To Delete All Running Apps
It’s trivial, but very, very useful.
Reduce the number of widgets and apps on Home Screen can reduce the amount of consumption on the battery as well, although not too significant, this method is quite effective for some smartphone. And don’t forget, if you are already using your application, it is better to close it completely. Application hoarding results in smartphone becomes more work (read: RAM).
Here are some tips that can Pemmz thanks for this opportunity, hope it helps!
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