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How to Change Job to Sniper - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA

Sniper is an advanced job from Hunter.

In Ragnarok M Eternal Love, Sniper is an advanced job (advance job) from job Hunter. So after you become Hunter, you can continue to work Sniper. To change to a job Sniper, job level Hunter you have to reach level 40 first. After job Hunter level 40, you will get a mission to change jobs back automatically.

After getting the mission to change jobs, you will be asked to meet the NPC Higgy Eez which exist in Adventures HQ (place to change job) city Prontera

Then after talking to the NPC Higgy Eez, you will be asked to meet the NPC Kebak.

Task 1

NPC Kebak will give you 3 questions about the job Sniper.

Question 1: Answer Correct (O)

Question 2: Answer Correct (O)

Question 3: Answer Correct (O)

Task 2

After answering all three questions correctly, the NPC Kebak will give you a task to collect Endurance Straw and Life Crystal. Go to South Payon (South of Payon) and visit the location according to the directions on the mini map to collect Endurance Straw first.

Done collecting Endurance Straw, fight Elder Willow to get Life Crystals. After collecting 10 Life Crystals, you are immediately asked to make a dummy.

Once finished, bring the dummy to the designated location. You can see it on the mini map. At this location you will place the dummy that was made earlier for fishing Dark Eddga come out and beat it.

Task 3

Report to NPC Kebak who is in Adventure HQ city Prontera that you have defeated Dark Eddga. By NPC Kebak you will be asked to meet the NPCs… who are in Prontera. When you report that you have defeated Dark Eddga, you will again be asked 3 questions by the NPC…

Question 1: Answer Correct (O)

Question 2: Answer Correct (O)

Question 3: Answer Correct (O)

After answering all three questions correctly, you will be teleported to a room. Talk to Book of Ymir in the middle of the room. After speaking, you will be teleported again to the ceremony location to change to a job Sniper.

Safe! You have become a Sniper!

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