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(Build) Saber, an agile robot that is ready to kidnap enemy marksman

Mobile Legends Tips and Tricks

Saber, this hero with the Assassin role is really ready to kidnap the enemy Marskman and Mage. Hero whose character design is like Cyborg-Ninja It has a skill that can easily kidnap enemy Marksman. In addition, the passive from Saber also reduces the enemy’s Physical Def by 7 to 35 for 5 seconds. Of course this passive can easily kill if given the appropriate build item.

Currently Saber is available on the Official Server.


mobile phone2599HP Regen35
Where443Where’s Regen16.00
Physical Attack118Basic Attack Crit Rate0%
Magic Power0Ability Crit Rate0%
Attack Speed0.87Armor17
Movement Speed260Magic Resistance10


Enemy’s Bane
Basic Attack Saber attacks will reduce the enemy’s Physical Defense by 7. This debuff can be stacked up to 5 times for a total of -35 Def for 5 seconds.
Flying Sword
Active – AoE
Saber throws 4 swords around him and each sword will deal Physical Damage to the enemy by 160(+90% Physical Attack). This sword will rotate around Saber and return to Saber, when it returns the enemy hit by the sword will also take damage again. If Saber uses skill 2, the rotating sword will automatically return to the player. Skills get 40% Spell Vamp.
Where’s CostPhysical Damage
75/85/95/105/115/125160 / 180 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260
Active – Blink/AoE
Saber Moves in the direction specified by the player and deals 80(+40% Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in front of him.
CooldownPhysical DamageWhere’s Cost
12 / 11.2 / 10.4 / 9.6 / 8.8 / 880 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 / 18070 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Triple Sweep
Active – Burst/CC
Saber attacks one enemy and throws the enemy into the air for a while and attacks 3 times. Each attack will deal 200(+130% Physical Attack) Physical Damage.
CooldownPhysical DamageWhere’s Cost
34 / 30 / 26200/230/260100 / 120 / 140

Recommended Battle Spell

FlickerFlicker for Saber serves as an initiator in battle. Can also be used to escape from battle when being chased by the enemy. Because it is certain that Saber will not have high HP and Def. If you feel confident, you can use Execute.
RetributionBecause Saber is an Assassin, it will definitely need a higher level than the enemy. So Battle Spell Retribution is perfect for Saber to be able to Jungling and get high levels quickly. This skill is suitable for players who may already be familiar with Saber.

Item Build

DPS – Sustain Tank

This build is suitable for those of you who may be afraid to die when they want to target enemy Marksman. Defense from Warrior Boots and also Magic Def from Rose Gold Meteor will allow you to slightly defend yourself from attacks. Malefic Roar can be changed to Hunter Strike or Blade of the Heptaseas in order to do more damage. But replaced if you are sure there are no Tanks with high Physical Def items.

DPS – Burst

This build is suitable for those of you who may already be familiar with Saber and are very YOLO. This skill will also reduce the cooldown of your skills so you definitely don’t need to be afraid to die because you can quickly use skill 2 to escape. But you have to be careful using this item build because you don’t have any Lifesteal at all. It is highly recommended that you use Flicker for your Battle Spell.

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