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Build Items Gear Lolita Mobile Legends The Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2021

Want to know about building item gear for Lolita Mobile Legends, the Worst, Strongest Auto Savage Top Global? This time there is a Hero who looks like a little girl who carries a big hammer as a weapon, namely Lolita.

Despite her small body, Lolita is a Tanker-type Hero, unlike Hilda or other Tankers who look big and stocky. But this Lolita of all Hero Tankers, she is the most agile.

With this ability, it can support teams and partners to attack enemies or Turrents. In Lolita’s background, that in the Elf village where Lolita lived was very peaceful. Until the war ended the village’s days of peace and security.

Lolita’s family was destroyed in the war, only Lolita survived and finally Rooney, a mechanical mechanic, found Lolita and helped her to be brought to the City.

After that Lolita served as a city guard so that the city where she was located did not want to be destroyed like her village and was provided with a mechanical hammer by the city’s scholars.

For this discussion here, we will provide some information about the Lolita build so that it has a large HP so that its durability is high to speed up the Cooldown of Skills.

Then a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use this Lolita Hero. this is the most painful, savage, strongest lolita mobile legends item build.

Build Item Gear Lolita Fast Cooldown And Max HP Hurts

Lolita is a type of Hero Tanker but Lolita has skills so she can be agile and have skills to stun opponents.

Thus making a high HP build so that the resistance is strong and has a Cooldown Resistant so that it lowers the Cooldown Skill so that it can support the team. Then you can follow the recommendations for the Sickest and Strongest Lolita gear build item below:

1. Gear ‘Warrior Boots’

Build Gear Lolita Mobile Legends 1

First by buying the Warrior Boots item by buying these shoes it will give Hero +22 Armor and its uniqueness is +40 Movement SPD.

Physical defense will increase by 5 with multiple attacks received, for further increases to 25 points will last 3 seconds.

2. Gear ‘Oracle’

Build Gear Lolita Mobile Legends 2

Second, by buying Oracle items, why do defense items come first instead of shoes? That’s because Lolita’s original Speed ​​is already high and because of her passive skill, Lolita can increase her movement speed by 10%.

With this item will add +850 HP, +36 Magic RES, +35 HP Regen, +10% Cooldown Reduction. And his passive within 3 seconds is attacked. Hero will regenerate 8% HP, this effect has 8 seconds cooldown.

3. Gear ‘Arthena’s Shield’

Build Gear Lolita Mobile Legends 3

The third is the Artena’s Shield item which will add +900 HP, +56 Magic RES, +20 HP Regen.

With his passive get an additional Shield once every 30 seconds. The number of Shield Absorption increases as the match progresses, a maximum of 1150.

4. Gear ‘Immortality’

Build Gear Lolita Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, buy Immortality which will give +800 HP, +40 Magic Res.

With the passive Resurrect after Death with a pause of 2 seconds after death and gain HP and Shield it can absorb 300 – 1000 Points from attacks. Shield lasts up to 3 seconds and Immortality will cooldown for 180 seconds.

5. Gear ‘Wings of the Apocalypse Queen’

Build Gear Lolita Mobile Legends 5

This fifth item is the Wings of the Apocalypse Queen defense item. This item will increase the Hero’s HP by +1000 HP, +15 Physical Attack, +10% Cooldown Reduction and for the passive is to reduce the damage received by 40% when HP is less than 40% and increase Lifesteal by 15%.

6. Gear ‘Courage Bulwark’

Build Gear Lolita Mobile Legends 6

This last item will be the cover for Lolita’s full build which will add +770 HP attack, +45 HP Regen.

With his passive increase 10% attack power and defense for nearby friends. Minions around will deal more damage to the turret.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Lolita Mobile Legends Hero

By carrying a large hammer and also an active shield, is this enough to kill the enemy.

Lolita’s Passive Skill: Noumenon Energy Core

Lolita Noumenon Energy Core Passive Skill

When Lolita doesn’t take damage for 5 consecutive seconds, the Noumenon Energy Core will slowly recharge, granting Lolita and allies around her a temporary shield when Max Charged.

Skill 1 Lolita: Charge

Skill 1 Lolita Charge

  • Cooldown: 10.0 sec
  • Mana Cost: 70

Charges in a specified direction, increases Basic Attack Damage and range for the next 5 seconds and reduces the target’s Movement Speed ​​by 20% when hit.

Skill 2 Lolita: Guardian’s Bulwark

Skill 2 Lolita Guardians Bulwark

  • Cooldown: 17.5 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 90

Lolita raised her shield to block all ranged basic attacks and projectiles. After the Shield disappears, Tap Skill once again to fire Energy Blast.

Energy Blast deals 400 (+50% Total Physical ATK) to 800 (+100% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage to the first target hit and surrounding enemies.

The more shots and basic attacks the shield blocks, the higher the damage dealt by Energy Blast.

Lolita Ultimate Skill: Noumenon Blast

Ultimate Skill Lolita Noumenon Blast

  • Cooldown: 48.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 120

Instantly gives a passive shield effect, then after charging for 2 seconds, deals 350 (+100% Total Physical ATK) to 700 (+200% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage in a cone-shaped area in front of Lolita.

When issued at maximum Charge, will also Stun for 2 seconds (Tap again to fire directly). When charging, enemies within Basic Attack range will have their Movement Speed ​​reduced by 75%.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Lolita Mobile Legends Hero

Lolita is a Tank-type Hero, so the Emblem set uses a Physical Emblem. If your Physical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Lolita Mobile Legends 1

  • 3 Points = Vitality
  • 3 Points = Bravery
  • And passive Emblem use Life Drain (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Open Fire (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that you can use is to use the Tank Emblem. If your Emblem Tank level has more than reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Lolita Mobile Legends 2

  • 3 Points = Firmness
  • 3 Points = Inspire
  • And passive Emblem use Tena City (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Brave Smite (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Attack And Defense (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Lolita Mobile Legends Heroes

Please use the spell below to get the maximum combo that is coupled with the skills and ulti of the Lolita hero.

1. Flicker

Flicker Mobile Legends

The recommended spell or ability for Lolita is Flicker. This spell or ability function will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are still all cooldown. Or you can make Flicker one of the combos of your skills.

Tips for Using Lolita Mobile Legends Heroes The Sickest, Strongest, Savage

Check out the explanation below on how we can maximize our use of Lolita heroes to defend and attack enemies.

1. Lolita Focuses As Support

How to use Lolita Hero Mobile Legends 1

Lolita is equipped with a shield in her passive and 2 skills, so the Tank-type Lolita Hero is to cover your team. And a lot to kill minions so you can quickly level up or form your build items.

So the cooldown on your skills is short.

2. Combine Your Skin With Flicker

How to use Lolita Hero Mobile Legends 2

  1. First look around you whether there are many enemies gathered or not. Then use the Ultimate Skill.
  2. Wait for about 2 seconds, then flicker towards the running enemy.
  3. And finish finishing with your teammates to attack when the enemy is stunned.

3. Always Cover Your Partner With Lolita Skills

How to use Lolita Hero Mobile Legends 3

Don’t forget to cover your teammates whether it’s war or not like a Mage/Marksman/Support type Hero who doesn’t have Armor.

And try to attack as well and look for the weakest enemy first so that the friend or partner you cover will attack the enemy you face.

Some Hero Weaknesses of Lolita Mobile Legends Heroes

Check out the following heroes who are a serious threat to type heroes like Lolita, don’t let your guard down, guys.

1. Hero Martis

For this one Fighter, it can be difficult for Lolita, because this Mobile Legends Hero has 2 skills that can attack continuously up to 3x.

And even when Lolita uses the Ulti skill, Martis can stop it with her skill whether it’s Bug or not but still Martis is able to fight Lolita. This is the reason Martis can counter Lolita.

How to Deal with Martis

The trick is according to the tips given, namely hide and attack suddenly and don’t forget to stun using spells or skills.

And always remember to keep your distance from dealing with Martis. And most importantly always support partners and teams because you are a Hero Tank.


Heroes like Lolita can be Tanker and Support at the same time, experience is the fastest way to master this hero and become a Pro Player or even become the world’s Top Global to attack and help the team’s defense.

The build gear above is not the best, but you should use it to get a powerful potion so that Lolita can kill enemies and also help with defense, with the help of the best and strongest gear it’s not difficult.

If you like the Lolita Mobile Legends hero build gear, you are expected to share it with fellow gamers… greetings auto savage.

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