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Build Item Gear Vexana Mobile Legends The Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2021

Want to know the build item gear for Hero Vexana in Mobile Legends, the Strongest Auto Savage Top Global Lemon, JessNoLimit? This Hero Mage who looks like a magician from the darkness was once a Queen in a small country and there was also a King.

But Alice who captivated the King made the Queen jealous and angry and as a result the Queen made a deal with the Dark Lord. So from that the Queen turned into a Demon Queen / Necromancer known as Vexana.

This Hero Mage has experienced a rework once. This hero is reworked not from his appearance, but what is different is the Ulti Vexana skill. His Ulti skill is very different from before which can spawn clones of dead enemies and only follow you.

But now it is possible to clone enemies without the enemy having to die first and you can control them. Personally, using Vexana Hero can take a long time to level up and take a long time to build the build item.

Because Vexana is a late game Hero and moreover, partners can’t stay in one team because Vexana is not the type of Hero Mage who can solo line.

On the other hand, Vexana is very much needed and useful by the team because her skills are enough to help make the enemy confused. For this discussion, here will provide some information about the Vexana build.

If hit, it will deal great damage and discuss the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use this Vexana Hero. This is the Worst, Savage, Strongest Gear Vexana Mobile Legends Build Item.

Build Item Gear Vexana Burst Full Damage Hurt

Vexana is a long-range attack type Hero Mage and a late game Hero Mage. But if Vexana has entered the late game and the build that has been purchased is almost or is complete, it is not impossible that Vexana can easily kill the enemy.

So that enemies who underestimate at the beginning of the game will be consumed by words that underestimate this Hero. If you want to make this Hero Mage have great Magic Power, and deal high damage when dealing with enemies.

Then you can follow the recommendations for the Worst and Strongest Vexana gear build item below:

1. Gear ‘Rapid Boot’s’

Build Gear Vexana Mobile Legends 1

The first and must be purchased by the Hero Mage is Boot’s. By giving +50 Movement Speed ​​to the user or Hero.

Boot’s are very useful for Vexana at the beginning of the game, because it will make Vexana not run slowly so that it can follow with teammates or to escape from enemy pursuit.

2. Gear ‘Echanted Talisman’

Build Gear Vexana Mobile Legends 2

Second, by buying an Echanted Talisman which will give +50 Magic Power, +250 HP, +20% Cooldown Reduction. And with his passive Regen Mana 20% of the total Max Mana every 20 seconds.

Very useful for Vexana because it will regenerate Mana which at the beginning of the game runs out quickly and even in the middle of the match.

3. Gear ‘Lighting Truncheon’

Build Gear Vexana Mobile Legends 3

Third, buy a Lighting Truncheon which will add +75 Magic Power, +30 Mana Regen. With his passive every 6 seconds, Magical ability will increase a maximum of 3 injured enemies by 150% Magic Power Damage.

4. Gear ‘Necklace Of Durance’

Build Gear Vexana Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, is the Necklace Of Durance item which will add +75 Magic Power, +300 HP, +5% Cooldown Reduction.

With its uniqueness, the skill will deal damage to the target and reduce the target’s Regen effect by 50% for 3 seconds.

5. Gear ‘Calamity Reaper’

Build Gear Vexana Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, is the Calamity Reaper item which will add +70 Magic Power, +100 Mana, +30 Mana Regen, +10% Cooldown Reduction.

With its uniqueness after using the skill, the next Basic Attack will deal Extra True Damage equivalent to 120% Magic Attack with a cooldown of 1.5 seconds.

6. Gear ‘Blood Wings’

Build Gear Vexana Mobile Legends 6

This last item is an item that has become mandatory for Mages to buy during the late game, because this item will provide the greatest Magic Power Damage of all Magic items.

This item will add +150 Magic Power, +150 HP. By passively adding 2 HP for 1 Magic Power used.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Vexana Mobile Legends

the skill of hero vexana can be said to be quite deadly, especially with combo skills one and two and the ultimate.

Vexana’s Passive Skill: Charmed Specter

Vexana Mobile Legends Passive Skill Charmed Specter

Vexana will give Occult Spell to targets who get basic attacks from Vexana for 5 seconds.

If the cursed enemy dies, it will explode and deal 320 – 600 (+50% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to nearby enemies.

Vexana’s 1st Skill: Nether Snare

Skill 1 Vexana Mobile Legends Nether Snare

  • Cooldown: 11.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 80

Vexana shoots Phantom’s power forward and deals 280(+60% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage. The hit hero will lose control and spin on the spot for 1 second.

Skill 2 Vexana: Cursed Oath

Skill 2 Vexana Mobile Legends Cursed Oath

  • Cooldown: 8.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 110

Vexana will summon power from another world and deal 500(+250% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage at a specified location.

Vexana Ultimate Skill: Necromancy Spell

Vexana's Ultimate Skill Mobile Legends Necromancy Spell

  • Cooldown: 60.0 sec
  • Mana Cost: 200

Summons a thunderstorm, dealing 600 (+270% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to the target. Other enemies around the target will receive 400 (+180% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage.

The skill will give an extra 15% of Damage to enemies who have been affected by the Super conductor Vexana effect will curse one of the enemy heroes for 8 seconds.

Deals 250 (+80% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and an additional 75 (+20% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage per second.

Then after a few seconds the target is hit by Ulti, Vexana will summon a Puppet or clone in the form of a target and follow in the fight until you can direct it.

Puppets or Clones will gain 70% of the target’s attributes, and deal 5% Max HP as Magic Damage to nearby enemies, and last for 20 seconds.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Vexana Mobile Legends Hero

Vexana is a Mage-type Hero, so set her Emblem to use a Magical Emblem. If your Magical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Vexana Emblem Mobile Legends 1

  1. Energy
  2. Vitality
  3. Awaken
  4. Flow
  5. Desire
  6. Observation
  7. And passive Emblem use Energy Absorption (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Magic Power Surge (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that is specific to Hero Mage is to use the Mage Emblem. If your Emblem Mage level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Vexana Emblem Mobile Legends 2

  1. Flow
  2. Mastery
  3. Agility
  4. Catastrophe
  5. Observation
  6. Contract
  7. And passive Emblem use Golden Touch (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Magic Worship (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Impure Rage (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Vexana Mobile Legends

For the spell, it is highly recommended to use Flicker because Vexana does not have teleport skills and runs quite normally, so it will be ridiculous if ambushed by the enemy.

1. Flicker

Spell Vexana Mobile Legends 1

Flicker is a spell or ability that Vexana must use. This spell or ability function will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are still all cooldown.

Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

Tips for Using Vexana Mobile Legends Heroes, The Sickest, Strongest, Savage

For the strategy of using Vexana’s Hero Mage, there are several things you should pay attention to, because the Hero Mage is a late game type, you must pay attention to the following tips in order to survive until the late game.

So that during the late game you can easily deal great damage to the enemy.

How to use Vexana Hero Mobile Legends

1. Vexana Must Pair With Partner

What you need to remember and must know is that this Hero Mage CANNOT be left alone, because Vexana must be covered at the beginning of the game.

Furthermore, this Hero Mage is also a waste of mana until the middle of the game and if you become a feeder it will take a long time to make your item full build and will lose level. So you are useless to help your team.

2. Use Vexana’s Ultimate Skill When Timing is Right

How to use Vexana Hero Mobile Legends 2

There are no special skill combos or Vexana skill combinations. But there are some tips or suggestions for you to use the Utli skill when the timing is right.

  • If with a partner or a team, attack the enemy until the target HP is 60% after that you can use your Ulti and then use skills that have not been used.
  • If alone, attack the enemy until the target HP is 50% after that you can use your Ulti and then use skills that have not been used.

3. Always Keep Your Distance

Always keep your distance from the enemy target, stay focused on attacking from a distance. And help support your partner or team behind the line to stay covered from enemy attacks.

And look at the map and surroundings for those of you who want to stay away from your partner in one line, this prevents the enemy from attacking you suddenly.

Some of Vexana’s Hero Weaknesses in Mobile Legends

What heroes can lock from the movement of Vexana, let’s review below.

1. Hero Helcurt

For Hero Assassins this can be a troublesome enemy. Helcurt who can be said to be a Mage killer is a must watch out for.

Because the Helcurt skill that can kill or block your skill + your Movement Speed ​​will be slowed so that those of you who use Vexana can’t just surrender to being slaughtered by these Hero Assassins called Helcurt

How to Deal with Helcurt

The only way to deal with Helcurt is when Helcurt issues Ulti skills and the screen becomes limited, try to get close to your turrent or try to find your friends on a team to cover each other.

2. Hero Zhask

Well, this same type of Mage Hero is a weakness for Vexana. Because Vexana’s attack distance to aim at Zhask is sometimes not enough.

Sometimes Vexana will get into Zhask’s Nightmaric attack and if you keep getting shot you will be stunned. And this is why Zhask is Vexana’s weakness

How to Deal with Zhask

The trick is that one of your team’s heroes must enter first to chase Zhask, so you won’t be hit by Zhask’s Nightmaric attack and you have to focus on directing your skills to Zhask.

And of course the main priority is to kill Zhask first during war or in the line there is Zhask.


Diligent practice to use this hero will be able to auto GG, especially if there is a partner who is ready to support and cover enemy movements that approach the Vexana Mobile Legends hero.

Build gear like a famous player or a pro, who is already Top Global does not necessarily guarantee that you will also become a GG and auto maniac, all of which need good strategy and teamwork.

If the Vexana build gear above is really sick and deadly, then you can use the gear and don’t forget to share this article on your social media pages… greetings auto savage.

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