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Build Item Gear Odette Mobile Legends The Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2021

Want to know the build item gear Hero Odette Mobile Legends hurts Top Global Lemon? In the discussion of Hero Mobile legends this time, we will discuss a princess from a job, named Odette.

Behind her beautiful appearance and much admired by people, Odette has the power that will deal great damage to the enemy. Not infrequently when playing Mobile Legends players often lock this Hero Mage who becomes the enemy.

You can get this Odette, there is only one way, namely by buying using Hero Fragments or Fragments that are Orange.

Previously Odette could be purchased using Battle Points or Diamonds, but for some reason Developer Moonton removed Odette from the Hero Shop List and made this Odette Hero only able to be purchased through Hero Fragments worth 120.

For this discussion here, we will provide some information about Odette’s build which will give high damage to the enemy and then a discussion of her skills, this is the Odette Mobile Legends Build Item Gear Sick, Savage, Strongest.

Build Item Gear Odette Burst Damage hurts

Odette is a Hero Mage whose attack type is long-range, equipped with a very useful passive, and her Ulti is able to make enemies not dare to approach her.

Odette issues Ulti with a song and her wand that will create a circular vortex, and if the enemy is hit by Odette’s Ulti vortex it will take a lot of damage and the enemy’s hero will run slowly.

It can’t be underestimated that Odette’s Ulti can win during the team war. Maybe if you want to make Odette able to kill many enemies in her Ulti vortex easily.

Then you can follow the recommendations for building the Worst and Strongest Odette gear item below:

1. Gear ‘Arcane Boot’s’

Build Gear Odette Mobile Legends 1

The first and must-buy for Mage users is Boot’s. because the mage has a lower Movement Speed ​​than other types of Hero.

And Arcane Boot’s is suitable for Odette because it adds +15 Magical PEN and its uniqueness increases +40 Movement Speed.

2. Gear ‘Lighting Truncheon’

Build Gear Odette Mobile Legends 2

Second, buy a Lighting Truncheon which will add +75 Magic Power, +30 Mana Regen. With his passive every 6 seconds, Magical ability will increase a maximum of 3 injured enemies by 150% Magic Power Damage.

3. Gear ‘Glowing Wand’

Build Gear Odette Mobile Legends 3

Third, is the Glowing Wand item which will add +75 Magic Power, +5% Movement Speed, +15 Magical PEN.

With the passive i.e. Damage generated from the skill will burn the target for 3 seconds, dealing 2% /2.5% /3% of the target’s remaining HP as magic damage (Min. 10 damage).

4. Gear ‘Devil Tears’

Build Gear Odette Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, is the Devil Tears item which will add +65 Magic Power. Its uniqueness is 40% Magical PEN, and when HP is higher than 70% the unique effect bonus increases by 30%.

5. Gear ‘Holy Crystal’

Build Gear Odette Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, is the Holy Crystal item which will add +90 Magic Power. With its unique +25% Magic Power and passive once it hits the target, magic attack will immediately increase by 15%.

The damage of the next skill attack will end this effect. This effect can last up to 3 seconds with a cooldown time of 10 seconds.

6. Gear ‘Blood Wings’

Build Gear Odette Mobile Legends 6

This last item is an item that has become mandatory for Mages to buy during the late game, because this item will provide the greatest Magic Power Damage of all Magic items.

This item will add +150 Magic Power, +150 HP. By passively adding 2 HP for 1 Magic Power used.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Odette Mobile Legends

Odette can be said to be a Mobile Legends hero whose Ulti is quite terrible, but indeed this ML hero is quite rarely competing in tournaments.

But for brawl, classic, ranking, this Mobile Legends hero is quite worthy to be chosen, then what are the uses and skills like? see our explanation:

Odette’s Passive Skill: Lakeshore Ambience

Odette's Passive Skill in Mobile Legends Lakeshore Ambience

After casting a skill, the next basic attack or skill will also emit a sound wave that bounces between enemies, dealing 144 – 200 points of magic power damage

Odette’s 1st Skill: Avian Authority

Skill 1 Odette Mobile Legends Avian Authority

  • Cooldown: 8.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 90

Concentrates Energy to summon geese to attack enemies, dealing 250 (+150% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage and reducing their movement for 2 seconds.

Odette’s 2nd Skill: Blue Nova

Skill 2 Odette Mobile Legends Blue Nova

  • Cooldown: 11.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 90

Fires a ball of magic energy forward, dealing Magical Power Damage to hit enemies and binding them for 1 second.

After the ball reaches maximum distance or hits the target, two additional energy balls will shoot out to the side, dealing 200 (+80% Total Magic Power) points of Magical Power Damage and binding them for 1s.

Odette’s Ultimate Skill: Swan Song

Ultimate Skill Odette Mobile Legends Swan Song

  • Cooldown: 50.0 sec
  • Mana Cost: 200

Sings a song that releases an area of ​​energy that deals sustained damage, each time dealing 200 (+120% Total Magic Power) points of Magical Power Damage to enemies within the area.

The area also increases the Lakeshore Ambience reflecting Speed ​​and others.

Damage taken while Odette casts this skill will be reduced by 30%. Opponents will also experience Crowd Control which causes them to slow down while in this area, for 2 seconds.

Build & Use Emblems on the Strongest Mobile Legends Hero Odette

Odette is a Mage-type Hero, so set her Emblem using a Magical Emblem. If your Magical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Odette Mobile Legends 1

  1. Energy
  2. Vitality
  3. Awaken
  4. Flow
  5. Desire
  6. Observation
  7. And passive Emblem use Energy Absorption (if Emblem level reaches level 20), Magic Power Surge (if Emblem level reaches level 30)

Another emblem that is specific to Hero Mage is to use the Mage Emblem. If your Emblem Mage level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Odette Mobile Legends 2

  1. Flow
  2. Mastery
  3. Agility
  4. Catastrophe
  5. Observation
  6. Contract
  7. And passive Emblem use Golden Touch (if Emblem level reaches level 20), Magic Worship (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Impure Rage (if Emblem level reaches level 40)

So it is necessary to make sure to build an emblem that is compatible with this ML Hero, because basically Odette is already very killer, combined with the appropriate build item gear, it is very possible that Odette will not have a cure.

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Odette Mobile Legends

Even though the Ulti is really killer, this Mobile Legends hero has a fairly weak defense, so it is necessary to keep your distance or take cover behind a tanker or fighter.

But if it can’t be helped to run, flicker feels so very mandatory.

1. Flicker

Spell Odette Mobile Legend 1

The first recommended spell or ability for Odette is Flicker. This spell or ability function will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are still all cooldown.

The tips are Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if they chase you or you can make Flicker one of the combos of your skills.

Tips for Using Hero Odette in Mobile Legends, the Sickest, Strongest, Savage

How to Use Hero Odette Mobile Legends

For the strategy of using Hero Mage Odette, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Odette so you can kill enemies easily.

1. Take advantage of Odette’s Passive Skills

Don’t be directed in any direction when you use your 1 and 2 skills. Try to be right in the line of minions or to the enemy target.

Because Odette’s passive skill that emits a Sound Wave will bounce to the target of enemy heroes or minions up to 3 times, and the damage generated is good enough to reduce the enemy’s HP.

Even if there is an enemy Hero who will die and then run away, usually Odette’s passive skill will bounce off the enemy who will run away so that the enemy can die.

2. Skill 2, to escape and support the team

How to Use Hero Odette Mobile Legends 2

Odette is equipped with skill 2 which can stun up to 2 enemy heroes if hit because skill 2 will spread in 2 directions.

With this skill you can help your team or partner when chasing enemies or just to kill enemies. And also use this 2nd skill to escape if you are not covered and being chased by the enemy.

3. Use Odette and Flicker Skill/Combo Combination

To use this Odette Hero, you must learn combos must this:

How to Use Hero Odette Mobile Legends 3

  1. Stun enemies with skill 2 so as not to run away, try to get attacked.
  2. After that use skill 1 to the enemy target so that the enemy is exposed to damage.
  3. And end with an attack Ulti Odette who will drain the opponent’s HP quickly, and don’t let the enemy escape by using Flicker towards the enemy who is trying to escape so you can easily kill the enemy up to more than 1 enemy.

For example, my friend is still not fluent in skill combinations, it is highly recommended to study in the classic arena only, to prove whether the skill and ultimate are quite sick or not.

Some Hero Weaknesses Hero Odette Mobile Legends

Odette is expected to be a little careful when going head to head with Hero Mobile Legends like Kagura even though they are both a mage clan.

1. Hero Kagura

For this Mage, he is indeed a mortal enemy for Odette, who is both a Mage type. Because Kagura will be able to kill Odette with her long-distance attack, namely by throwing her umbrella.

And when you are stun Kagura while you are Ulti, your Ulti will automatically stop and you will have difficulty escaping.

How to Deal with Kagura

The only way to deal with Kagura is to keep your distance and you have to partner up. Never go solo and prioritize with a Fighter or Tank in order to cover Odette or when you are Ulti.

So that Kagura has difficulty approaching and the result may even be that Kagura is hit by your Ulti or you immediately Flicker to stay away from Kagura’s umbrella.


There are so many heroes in Mobile Legends that are designed with fantastic talents, one of which is this one hero mage.

Odette is a beautiful woman with an ultimate concept that wraps around her body to pick up enemies and can be quite sick especially when attacked with half HP, it can be said to be killed, especially heroes other than tankers and fighters.

Well, the build items and gear that we have formulated above may not be the best gear used by everyone, because of course it all depends on the user’s own playing style.

However, if the build of Odette’s gear item above is considered quite deadly, painful and strong, don’t forget to share this article to your friend’s social media account. Greetings auto Savage

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