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Build Item Gear Kaja Mobile Legends is the Worst + Savage + Strongest 2021

Want to know the build item gear for Hero Kaja in Mobile Legends, the Strongest Auto Savage Top Global Donkey Rooster? In this article, there is a support type Hero and can also be a Tanker for the team, namely Kaja.

Kaja is a half-bird creature who wields a whip as his weapon to face his enemies. Even with his whip, Kaja is able to lead nearby enemies to be pulled.

Although it’s not like Franco who issued Hook, but Kaja is very helpful against enemies like Assassins who want to run away and pull him. In his background, Kaja was a Nazar Guardian in the Celestial Palace.

Any demon that dared to approach the city would be overwhelmed by its unparalleled flying speed and bound by a terrifying lightning whip that would strip their victim of all magical abilities.

Countless thousands of years ago, after the ruler completed the creation of the City Guardian and left, the city slowly fell into ruin.

When Uranus was activated, the lord of the Celestial Palace handed over new orders to the Nazarites to expel the evil demons from the city and rebuild the Celestial Palace to await the return of its master.

For this discussion, here will provide some information about the Kaja build which will provide support to the team and at the same time become the Tanker team.

So in this article, we provide a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use Hero Kaja so that they can help the team to win.

This is the Worst, Savage, Strongest Build Item Gear Kaja Mobile Legends.

Build Item Gear Kaja Full Damage Max HP hurts

Kaja is an ML Support Hero as well as a Tanker who attacks at close range and his skills can be said to attack directly, therefore Build Kaja must be strong to take damage.

So that you can support your teammates and defeat the enemy, then you can follow the recommendations for building the Worst and Strongest Kaja gear item below:

1. Gear ‘Warrior Boots’

Build Gear Kaja Mobile Legends 1

First by buying the Warrior Boots item by buying these shoes it will give Hero +22 Armor and its uniqueness is +40 Movement SPD.

Physical defense will increase by 5 with multiple attacks received, for further increases to 25 points will last 3 seconds.

2. Gear ‘Cursed Helmet’

Build Gear Kaja Mobile Legends 2

Second, by buying the Cursed Helmet item which will give +920HP, +50Magic RES.

Unique Passive Burning Soul : Nearby enemy targets will receive 1.5% of their total Max HP as Magic Damage every second. Deals 50% additional damage to Minions.

3. Gear ‘Athena’s Shiled’

Build Gear Kaja Mobile Legends 3

The third item is Athena’s Shiled which gives +900 HP, +56 Magic RES, +20 HP Regen.

And the passive gets Damage-Absorbing Shield every 30 seconds. The amount of Shield Absorption will increase as the match progresses, a maximum of 1150.

4. Gear ‘Immortality’

Build Gear Kaja Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, buy Immortality which will give +800 HP, +40 Magic Res.

With the passive Resurrect after Death with a pause of 2 seconds after death and gain HP and Shield it can absorb 300 – 1000 Points from attacks. Shield lasts up to 3 seconds and Immortality will cooldown for 180 seconds.

5. Gear ‘Demon’s Advent’

Build Gear Kaja Mobile Legends 5

The fifth item is a defense item, namely Demon’ Advent which will give +920 HP, +54 Armor, +30 HP Regen.

The passive is when an enemy Hero attacks. This ability will reduce his attack power by 6%. And lasts 2 seconds and can stack up to 3 times.

6. Gear ‘Dominance Ice’

Build Gear Kaja Mobile Legends 6

Sixth, is the Dominance Ice item which will add +500 Mana, +70 Armor, +5% Crit. Chance Reduction.

With the addition of +15% Cooldown Reaction, then weakens movement speed by 5% and weakens attack speed by 30% to nearby enemies.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Kaja Mobile Legends

The hero tanker Kaja is still hype enough to use during the Tournament and what are the deadly skills that Kaja has.

Kaja’s Passive Skill: Eye of the Storm

Kaja's Eye of the Storm Passive Skill

Kaja gains 50% Movement Speed ​​when attacked by enemy heroes. Movement Speed ​​obtained will decrease in 1 second and can be active every 5 seconds..

Skill 1 Kaja: Ring Of Order

Skill 1 Kaja Ring Of Order

  • Cooldown: 9.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost : 60

Kaja released the Ringed Electric Blade which expanded rapidly and contracted. Any enemy target will receive 180/220/260/300/340/380 pts of Magic Damage and will temporarily experience a 30% Speed ​​reduction.

When an electric current hits an enemy target, Kaja will release lightning that deals 70/90/110/130/150/170 pts of Magical Damage to nearby enemy targets, every 0.6 seconds. Damage will increase when lightning continuously hits the same target.

Skill 2 Kaja: Gale Force

Skill 2 Kaja Gale Force

  • Cooldown: 11.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost : 65

Kaja charges in a designated direction, dealing 260/300/340/380/420/460 Magic Damage to enemies in the path.

If at the time of charging Kaja comes into contact with a team unit, Kaja can charge back towards that unit.

As well as giving the Hero of one team and himself a Shield of 8%/8%/9%/9%/10%/10% of Max HP and getting 10%/12%/14%/16%/18%/20% Movement increase Speed.

Kaja’s Ultimate Skill: Divement Judgment

Ultimate Skill Kaja Divement Judgment

  • Cooldown: 60.0 sec
  • Mana Cost : 150

Kaja pulls and holds the enemy Hero’s target. Deals 360/540/720 pts of Magical Damage for 2 seconds.

At that time, the enemy hero’s Magic Resistance will be reduced by 15/30/45. Kaja absorbs 2 Magic Resistance points from the lost target Hero.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Mobile Legends Hero Kaja

Kaja is a Tank-type Hero, so the Emblem set uses a Magical Emblem. If your Magical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent order below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Kaja Mobile Legends 1

  • 3 Points = Vitality
  • 3 Points = Bravery
  • And passive Emblem use Life Drain (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Open Fire (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that you can use is to use the Tank Emblem. If your Emblem Tank level has more than reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Kaja Mobile Legends 2

  • 3 Points = Firmness
  • 3 Points = Inspire
  • And passive Emblem use Tena City (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Brave Smite (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Attack And Defense (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Kaja Mobile Legends

To use a spell that is quite vicious, my friend can use the considerations below.

1. Flicker

Flicker Mobile Legends

The first recommended spell or ability for Kaja is Flicker. This spell or ability function will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are still all cooldown.

Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

2. Petrify

Petrify Mobile Legends

The second recommended spell or ability for Kaja is Stun/Petrify. Which serves to make enemies near us stunned or petrified. That way you make the enemy stop moving in 0.7 seconds.

Tips for Using Hero Kaja in Mobile Legends, the Sickest, Strongest, Savage

How to use Hero Kaja in Mobile Legends

For the strategy of using this Kaja Hero Tanker, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Kaja so that you can support the team to the maximum.

1. Always Cover Your Partner

How to Use Hero Kaja Mobile Legends 1

Don’t forget to cover your teammates whether it’s war or not like Mage / Marksman / Support type Heroes who don’t have Armor.

Try to attack too and look for and target the weakest enemy first so that the friend or partner you cover will attack the enemy you face.

2. Play Slow Only

How to use Hero Kaja Mobile Legends 2

Play as usual, cover turrent and your friends and try to push if possible. But if you meet a strong enemy, maybe you will have a hard time so the tips are on a defensive position while eliminating the existing minions.

And when you want to attack try with the right timing or have to lock the weakest target first with the help of your partner or teammate.

3. Kaja Can Be Counter Assasins

How to use Hero Kaja in Mobile Legends 3

With Kaja’s ability to counter Hero Assassins such as Hayabusa or Gusion, Kaja is able to stop his agility by upgrading him. When Kaja cultivates, the Hero will be stunned and Kaja will drag him.

Even when Ulti doesn’t have to direct it like Franco’s Hook, you just need to Ulti when it’s closest to the target, then your Ulti can immediately drag the enemy target. BUT REMEMBER don’t use Ulti if your teammates are not ready to attack.

Some of the Weaknesses of Hero Kaja in Mobile Legends

This is a hero to avoid when using Kaja, it’s better not to go solo.

1. Hero Sun

With the ability that Sun has, which is being able to reproduce itself, it is able to make Kaja tricked into issuing his skills to attack Sun’s real body.

And when Kaja attacks automatically Kaja will be near Sun and this is Sun’s chance to attack Kaja blindly.

How to Deal with the Sun

The trick is to aim for Sun in his original body, Sun’s original body’s characteristics are that the mana bar is reduced and with his clone his mana bar is always full.

Therefore, use skills 1 and 2 to chase Sun’s original body and never Ulti before you know Sun’s real body is met.


So, those are some deadly techniques and build gear for Kaja’s hero, make sure to always group up because the results will be maximized and it’s easy to get kills to make it easier for teammates too.

Hero kaja has proven to be very tough because it is often played at national and international events so why think twice if you are a tanker then there is nothing wrong with using this strongest hero.

I hope you like the Kaja Mobile Legends build gear this time, and always practice sparring for satisfactory results… greetings auto savage.

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