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35 Pokémon GO Tips and Tricks You Probably Didn't Know

For those who play Pokémon GO games maybe there are some of you who find difficulties or obstacles while playing Pokémon GO. We have some tips and tricks for you.

Here are some tips and tricks Pokémon GO which you may not know.

  1. If your PokéBalls miss their target and fall to the ground nearby, you can pick them back up by pressing them on the phone screen to recover the PokéBalls and avoid wasting PokéBalls wasted on a single Pokémon.
  2. The first time you walk on games Pokémon GO, you will see three Pokémon that can be caught. If the player ignores them three or four times then you have a chance to get a Pikachu.
  3. If the player locks the phone screen then the game will stop, so if you decide to leave the game for a while while waiting for the eggs to hatch then you are forced to leave the app open, unless you have a Pokémon GO Plus device it will stay active and allow you to catch Pokémon, using PokéStops etc.
  4. Battery Saver may be able to help the problem above. Battery Saver useful for turning off the phone screen, but the application will still run.
  5. Footprints show how far away the Pokémon is. Each trail indicates a distance of 50 meters. A Pokémon with one footprint indicates it is between 50 and 100 meters from where you are standing. Three footprints indicate that the Pokémon is less than 200 meters away. A grayed out Pokémon indicates that it’s not already in your PokéDex.
  6. If you select a Pokémon via the “Nearby” screen, you can aim and have a chance to catch unusual Pokémon species.
  7. If you see a Pokémon without footprints on your “Nearby” list, you can summon it by doing tap on the screen.
  8. Different from games previously, Pokémon GO DO NOT use the mechanics of taking turns, but by sliding left and right to dodge and TAP on the opponent to injure the opponent and knock them down as quickly as possible. One tactic is to keep an eye on your special meter. When bar full, you can use a Pokémon’s special moves to take down your opponent faster.
  9. Ownership gym depending on “prestigemeters, which decrease when you defeat their Pokémon in battle. If you defeat one of the surviving Pokémon, that means erasing 1,000 prestige and you remove 500 bonus prestige another to defeat every Pokémon without ever losing a match. So, if you don’t have a Pokémon strong enough to beat all the Pokémon in gym, you can still reduce those who defend gym the.
  10. You have to remember that you have 6 Pokémon to beat your opponent in the gym. 6 mediocre Pokémon can beat 1 strong Pokémon, so you can freely go to the gym, even with Pokémon that are weaker than them.
  11. Clicking the pencil next to a Pokémon’s name allows the player to change its name. You can use all the words you want.
  12. In the game there is an evolution to revive and heal the knocked out Pokémon. Don’t use potion and revive if not necessary.
  13. Power up your Pokémon once they are fully developed as they can give you more Combat Power (CP).
  14. You can earn daily bonuses (in the form of XP) by bringing your Pokémon to the gym. The more often your Pokémon are brought to the gym, the higher the daily bonus will be and you will also get extra Stardust and Coins. How to claim the prize, which is to go to shop and click the blue shield icon. Check back every 20 or so hours (as long as your Pokémon hasn’t left the gym) to receive more (the amount may vary depending on how many Pokémon you have in the gym.
  15. When you visit a PokéStop, you just have to press the stop button ‘X’ and every items required will be automatically added to inventory-mu, this means that you don’t have to wait for the animation to stop. People have used this as a means to dodrive-by PokéStops’ because these are very useful when driving. Do not do this while driving, but do this when you are a passenger.
  16. Animated rustle of grass on your map indicates areas where Pokémon are likely to spawn. This doesn’t mean there will be Pokémon there, but usually something will appear if you stay around the area long enough.
  17. Some Pokémon can only be found in certain areas of the world. If you wish to catch them all then you must travel around the world.
  18. There are several types of Pokémon that only come out at night.
  19. If you have problems server and crash what you have to do is don’t just minimize the app, but try to close it completely and on the app request a new connection to the server so that the application can work again.
  20. If you want to get a Pokémon that has Combat Points high and rare then all you do is raise level-your.
  21. Strong and rare Pokémon will be hard to find. A green ring signifies that the Pokémon is easy to catch, yellow means difficult and then orange and red means harder. Strong Pokémon may often exit the PokéBall and even run away. You can buy items to overcome this.
  22. You can get Pokémon eggs through PokéStops or when level you improve, besides that players need egg incubator to incubate eggs. In order for the eggs to hatch, players must cover a distance of 2-10 Kilometers and it all depends on the eggs they have.
  23. Pokémon that you can find by hatching Pokémon eggs for a distance of 2 kilometers include Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Pikachu, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Geodude, Magikarp.
  24. Pokémon that you can find by hatching Pokémon eggs for a distance of 5 kilometers include Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoran(f), Nidoran(m), Vulpix, Oddish, Paras, Venonat, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Growlithe, Poliwag, Abra, Machop , Bellsprout, Tentacool, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Farfetch’d, Doduo, Seel, Grimer, Shellder, Gastly, Drowzee, Krabby, Voltorb, Exeggute, Cubone, Lickitung, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Horsea, Goldeen, Staryu , Mr. Mime, Tauros, Porygon.
  25. Pokémon that you can find by hatching Pokémon eggs for a distance of 10 kilometers include Onix, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Chansey, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Lapras, Eevee, Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Dratini.
  26. The colored rings indicate how easy or difficult the Pokémon is to catch. So if all you see is a green ring (easy), just wait until it reaches the smallest circle before throwing and you’ll definitely be able to catch the target. You can change the size by holding your finger over the Pokémon to shrink the ring when it appears. You’ll almost always hit the target if you do this just before throwing the PokéBall.
  27. The orange and red rings are the hardest. This means you have to calm your Pokémon down first. Otherwise, they will escape and come out again, this will certainly be a waste items and in vain. You can buy or find PokéBall.the great or Masterr which will give you a greater chance of catching higher ranked Pokémon. In addition you can also buy or find berries which will turn those orange or red rings back to green and so you can catch them easily.
  28. Pokémon with a ??? on “Combat Points” signifies that they will not recognize you as a persong trainer, the Pokémon’s risk of escaping is high. If you have it, use items to avoid this risk.
  29. There are 4 rating points when it comes to catching Pokémon, namely empty, good, good, very good, which will give you 0/10/50/100 bonus XP on top of the XP you get for a catch. Also try to land the ball in the center of the target circle so you will get extra points.
  30. Whether you’re in a bus, car, train, or any other vehicle, you’ll find that you can play Pokémon GO anywhere and your avatar will always faithfully walk down the streets to follow him. This can be a blessing or a bad thing because you’re bound to have a lot of potential PokéStops or Pokémon. Please note, if we are interacting with a PokéStop If, you leave this point, you will not be able to complete the interaction. The best interactions are when you are slowing down or stopped in a moving vehicle.
  31. To throw Curveball (you risk burning through for the PokéBall to do so), simply hold off the PokéBall and make circular motions until it sparkles. Once this happens, let it fly and it will most likely miss the mark but eventually you’ll get to it and get the hang of it.
  32. If you have a lot of the same Pokémon, what you should definitely do is send the weakest Pokémon to the professor in exchange for candy. Here you must be confused about choosing the right Pokémon as the main Pokémon, choose a Pokémon that is heavier and bigger (large Pokémon are marked with an icon that says XL). Each Pokémon has different abilities and damage different ones too.
  33. In finding Pokémon, you technically have to move, but due to server issues, it can sometimes take a few minutes to do so load in one area The best way to play is to walk a good 100 meters or so, then stop for five minutes and let things go.load. If you see a PokéBall spinning in the upper-left corner this indicates that Pokémon will appear at an indefinite interval of time, so you can take a break between adventures while taking a close look at what’s hidden around you.
  34. If you have a lot of the same Pokémon, what you should definitely do is send the weakest Pokémon to the professor in exchange for candy. Here you must be confused about choosing the right Pokémon as the main Pokémon, choose a Pokémon that is heavier and bigger (large Pokémon are marked with an icon that says XL). Each Pokémon has different abilities and damage different ones too.
  35. In finding Pokémon, you technically have to move, but due to server issues, it can sometimes take a few minutes to do so load in one area The best way to play is to walk a good 100 meters or so, then stop for five minutes and let things go.load. If you see a PokéBall spinning in the upper-left corner this indicates that Pokémon will appear at an indefinite interval of time, so you can take a break between adventures while taking a close look at what’s hidden around you.

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