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What's in the Update Mobile Legends Patch 1.3.14? This is the change

Mobile Legends Patch Updates


Mobile Legends Patch Updates

GridGames.ID – Right on this day (19/9), Patch 1.3.14 on the Mobile Legends game application was officially updated.

There are several new features that you can see in this patch update, such as battle spells, emblems, heroes, to surprises that will be given in the next season.

Curious, what’s being updated?

1. Jungling

Increasing Difficulty Killing Creeps


Increasing Difficulty Killing Creeps

In this latest update, Mobile Legends increases the difficulty level for killing creeps.
Because creeps should be able to encourage players to lane during the early game.

Also Read: This is the New Hero Fighter Skill in Mobile Legends, Thamuz

2. Battle Spell

The Battle Spell Weaken which functions to reduce the enemy’s movement speed by 70%, physical attack and magic power by 50% for 3 seconds, in the latest update turns into a Scout who is able to summon Harper, a magic assistant to get vision from a predetermined area.

Harper will reveal himself when the enemy approaches.
When Harper comes into contact with an enemy, he will disappear.
Then the next cooldown will decrease by 30%.

3. Emblem


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