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Warframe Mobile Announced, Presents Cross-Save and Cross-Platform Features

GAMEFINITY.ID, Bandung City — We can say that 2021 is a golden age for the video game industry on mobile platforms. How not, now many companies are starting to try to encourage innovation in the mobile market by announcing a number of well-known video games that are planned to be released for your smartphone.

Not only Call of Duty, PUBG, and Fortnite, a series of other game sequences such as Apex Legends, Battlefield, and even Warframe will follow the mobile platform in the future.

At TennoCon 2021, you can see that several people are showing demos of Warframe gameplay on PC, PlayStation, and Mobile platforms. With the cross-platform feature, every player from any platform is able to play and interact together, including mobile platforms.

In addition to the cross-platform feature, Digital Extremes also states that now you can cross-save, so you don’t have to worry about the process you go through when you want to switch platforms to play Warframe.

We can not confirm the release schedule of Warframe mobile itself. However, our assumption is that Digital Extremes will release a mobile version of Warframe at the earliest in 2022. If you are interested in following updates regarding Warframe Mobile, you can follow their official Twitter account via this link.

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