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Twitch Censors Metallica's Song at BlizzCon 2021, Here's Why

GridGames.ID – There was a funny incident at BlizzCon 2021 related to Metallica’s appearance at this annual event.

When Metallica started playing From Whom The Bell Tolls, Twitch replaced the sound of the video with funny generic music for a few seconds.

This suddenly makes Metallica’s appearance, which should be fierce, look cute and adorable.

Watch the following video to see the funny moments of Metallica’s appearance at BlizzCon 2021.

The reason Twitch censors Metallica’s performances has to do with the DMCA or Digital Millennium Copyright Act regulations.

Twitch intentionally gave generic music to evade the DMCA’s removal order.

This moment became the talk of all Blizzard fans at that time streaming on Twitch Gaming.

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