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Tricks to Draw in New Arrival in Mobile Legend 2021

draw new arrival mobile legend – Every new product such as a new skin or hero in Mobile Legends will always enter the New Arrival menu. In the New Arrival menu you will be given the opportunity to draw.

If you are lucky then you can get a hero or skin in the New Arrival menu permanently.

Unfortunately, not many players often visit the New Arrival menu to draw.

draw new arrival mobile legend

Even though you can draw for free in the New Arrival menu. If the opportunity to draw for free runs out, you can also draw using the crystal of aurora.

One thing that makes Mobile Legends players reluctant to draw in New Arrival is because of the small chance to get a permanent hero or skin.

Trick to Draw New Arrival Mobile Legend 2021

But you don’t have to worry, because we will present a trick that you can use when drawing New Arrival. The following is a trick to draw in New Arrival in Mobile Legends:

  1. Log in to the Mobile Legends game first, then enter the Shop menu, then enter the New Arrival or New Products menu.
  2. In the New Arrival menu you can draw to get a trial card or permanent hero from the latest hero. Since the newest hero for now is Yu Zhong, then you can get a Yu Zhong trial card or a permanent Yu Zhong hero if you are lucky.
  3. Exit from the Shop menu, then enter the Hero menu. Look for the newest hero that appeared in the New Arrival draw earlier then complete the animation display of the new hero first.
  4. If you have then you can tap the buy or buy button, after that click use battle points or use battle points five times.
  5. We recommend doing step no. 4 if your battle points are not sufficient to buy the heroes in New Arrival. If your battle points are sufficient, your battle points will be cut off and the hero will be purchased.
  6. Go to the Shop menu and select New Arrival, do a draw until you get the existing hero permanently.

If you follow the trick to draw in this New Arrival then you can get a permanent hero by drawing less than 10.

If you don’t follow the tricks we provide, it’s very likely that you just got the hero after 10 times more draw.

Enough articles that discuss the New Arrival draw on Mobile Legends this. Hopefully this trick to draw on New Arrival is useful and you can try it soon. Good luck!

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