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This Is GTA V Made By AI Without Human Help

GAMEFINITY.ID, Denpasar – Developments in the world of Artificial Intelligence have attracted quite a bit of attention lately, because the more here, Artificial Intelligence is getting smarter. In games AI is usually used for bots or NPCs to move or interact with players, but with nvidia gameGAN, AI has stepped up to a higher level.

One of the results of Nvidia gameGAN is GAN Theft Auto. GAN stands for Generative Adversial Network, the way this GAN works is by having 2 neural networks, one of which functions as a data generator and the other as a discriminator. The generator functions to train AI skills by providing data such as images from screenshots of GTA: V, and the Discriminator serves to distinguish which ones are real and which are fake.

The creators of this game are Harrison Kinsley and Daniel Kukiela, they are the ones who have the idea to make this GAN Theft Auto game.

Then what are the results of this GAN Theft Auto? You can see the screenshot below. for today, the graphics produced are not satisfactory, the images look not sharp, objects look blurry, the resulting colors are not bright, the texture is really not visible. But remember, this game is made by computers, not by humans.

For now, GAN Theft Auto can only be played on the bridge, not the entire map from GTA: V and this makes sense, they only include data (such as videos or screenshots) on the GTA: V bridge. . So that AI is only trained from these data.

Everything in GAN Theft Auto is all made by AI, including how this game doesn’t have any code rules in it, let alone the code from the GTA: V game itself, everything is made by AI. That’s what makes this game even more interesting. And proof that AI is growing

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