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The impact of Udil on the Alter Ego is very large, says Pai, what is the reason?

The impact of Udil on the Alter Ego is very large, says Pai, what is the reason?

Alter Ego has a tremendous increase. Since Udil’s arrival to Alter Ego in MPL Season 6.

The Alter Ego game is arguably very developed at this time with the current roster, namely, Pai, Ahmad, Celiboy, LeoMurphy and Udil.

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When playing Alter Ego looks very compact in attack and defense. In ‘s podcast Jonathan Liandi on youtube or better known as Empetalk.

Jonathan, who spoke with Pai, one of Alter Ego’s retainers, revealed the story of his journey from the beginning to the present, entering the pro scene and winning the last MPLI.

In the video, Jonathan also asks about the influence of Udil on Pai’s Alter Ego.

Jonathan asked “In your opinion, how big is the Udil factor? Is it when he goes into Alter Ego, doesn’t it impact too much? Or can you say that you are able to become like this now. One of the factors is because of Udil?

Pai said, “Yeah, it’s because of Udil, Udil’s impact is really big, he’s a person who always remembers in-game, everyone is reminded. For example, cil watch out for this damage, get hit by this skill, just all Udil.”

“Anyway, the ones that have a really big impact on AE when in-game are Udil and Caesius.” added Pie.

That’s the impact of Udil on Alter Ego according to Pai. Where Udil has a big impact on the in-game of Alter Ego. Because most shoutcallers are from Udil.

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