Recognizing Each Type of Enchant Boots in LoL Wild Rift
Enchant boots is an item that is quite important in the LoL Wild Rift game, because it has different uses. Here are the types enchant boots the one in LoL Wild Rift.
Enchantment is a shoe upgrade that can give additional active effects to each champion. This item can only be purchased once by each champion, so this item will be very useful according to the state of the game. Players must also understand whether enhancement what he buys will have a useful effect or will have to replace it.
But, did you know that there are several types Enchantment which you can choose according to your needs. Here are each type enchant boots in League of Legends: Wild Rift.
Redeeming Enchant

Enchantment the first is the Redeeming Enchant. Enchantment this is very useful for those of you who use support type champions. This item with a prescription price of 500 gold will give an active effect in the form of Redeem which is able to tell our position and after 2.5 seconds, will fire a light to heal friends by 25 to 375 points depending on the level of the champion.
In addition, if the enemy champion is in the circle, they will receive 10% of their maximum blood as true damage. If a monster or minion is affected by this effect, they will receive 250 true damage.
Quicksilver Enchant

Next is the Quicksilver Enchant, the item that has a logo like a headband is mostly used for champions with the AD Carry role. This is because the Quicksilver Enchant has an active effect to remove the effect crowd control which hits your current champion and also adds 50% movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
Protobelt Enchant

The Protobelt Enchant is enchantment the next one. Items that are suitable for this role mage will have an active effect dash and fires missiles capable of delivering 75 to 145 magic damage (depending on level).
If the missile that is fired hits a champion or monster more than once, then the next missile only deals 10% damage.
Gargoyle Enchant

Enchantment which has a logo like a suit of armor is suitable for champions who use role tanks. By using this item, players will be free to open later team fight.
The active effect given by the Gargoyle Enchant is to increase your maximum darh by 40% and reduce damage you receive is 60%. However, if there are 3 or more opposing champions around you, your maximum blood will actually increase to 100%.
Teleport Enchant

Next is Teleport Enchanment, this item does not have to be fixed on what role to use it, in fact every champion can have this item. This item with a price of 1,000 gold gives an active effect in the form of teleport after you do channeling for 3.5 seconds and you can move to your friend’s champion, structure, or ward.
Enchant Stasis

Similar to Teleport Enchant, Stasis Enchant is also not fixated on what role champion is suitable for using this item. This item with the hourglass logo has a recipe price of 1,000 gold and is able to provide an active stasis effect for 2.5 seconds.
This effect will make your champion become invulnerable and can’t be attacked, but as long as this stasis effect is active, you can’t do anything.
Glorious Enchant

Next up is Glorious Enchant, this item is recommended default for champions with fighter or tank roles. This is because enchantment it has an active Glory effect which can give an additional 15% movement speed for 4 seconds and increases to 60% if it goes to the opposing champion.
In addition, after 4 seconds or until approaching the opponent, this item will fire shockwave which can slow down the opponent by 50% for 2 seconds.
Locket Enchant

This shield logo item is suitable for role support or tanks. This Locket Enchant whose recipe price is 500 gold has an active Locket effect that is able to provide shield you and your teammates around you from 140 to 420 (depending on level)damage for 2.5 seconds.
Shadows Enchant

Enchantment the last one is Shadows Enchant. This item has an active effect that can awaken 2 ghosts and chase the nearest opposing champion. After the ghost hits it, the champion will be revealed and slowed down by 40% for 5 seconds. To get enchantment For this unique, you have to buy the recipe for 500 gold.
Also Read: This Account Gives Leaks Of The Latest 42 LoL Wild Rift Champions?
That’s it every kind enchant boots in the LoL Wild Rift game. You’ve tried everything enchant boots the? Or just follow the existing recommendations?
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