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Nintendo Releases Super Mario Party Update, Now You Can Play Online!

Super Mario Party game poster


Super Mario Party game poster

GridGames.ID – Nintendo has finally released an important update for the Super Mario Party game.

This latest update allows Nintendo Switch players to play Super Mario Party online.

Nintendo announced this major Super Mario Party update via Youtube and official website on 27 April 2021 yesterday.

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Super Mario Party is a Nintendo Switch exclusive game that contains 80 cute mini games in it.

Super Mario Party was first released in October 2021. For 3 years running, Super Mario Party does not provide online multiplayer mode to its players.

However, with the latest update, now Super Mario Party players can enjoy the experience of playing online games with friends or family.

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Of the 80 mini games in Super Mario Party, players can play 70 mini games online.

There are 2 ways to play Super Mario Party online, namely:

  • Friend Match – play with friends online
  • Private Game – play with foreign players on the Nintendo platform using passwords.


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