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Mobile Legends Yu Zhong, Strengths and Weaknesses

Understanding the story or background of a Hero in a game called Mobile Legends must be done by every Mobile Legends player. Because each story of each Hero provides a clear synopsis of the characteristics and traits they have in the game.

On this occasion, we would like to provide information about the origin of the Hero Mobile Legends named Yu Zhong. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Hero Mobile Legends Yu Zhong. We invite all of you to listen to this article to the end, so that later you will understand and understand about Yu Zhong in Mobile Legends.

The Origin of Hero Yu Zhong

Mobile Legends Yu Zhong

In the past, please note that Mobile Legends Yu Zhong is a black dragon who always brings havoc to the city he passes through. This black dragon was born in “Cadia Riverland” to wipe out all the people of the Land of Dawn. But because Yu Zhong’s nature was so evil, finally someone named Great Dragon locked his abilities in his temple, finally Yu Zhong fell and lost almost all of his strength.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zhong turned out to be a child who had lost his memory. After losing his memory of the Black Dragon, he turned into a timid child. As time went on, Yu Zhong began to remember his true self more and more. After remembering himself, now Yu Zhong wanted to take back his power.

Yu Zhong managed to pick up his abilities along with his new abilities. The main goal of Mobile Legends Yu Zhong is to return to destroy the Land of Dawn. Seeing this happen, Wanwan who had helped him finally regretted his actions. In the end, Wanwan who was helped by her friend tried to stop Yu Zhong’s actions.

Yu Zhong’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Judging from the synopsis of the story of Hero Mobile Legends Yu Zhong, he does have a quite dangerous character, where Yu Zhong tricked his own friends to get more power. Like the story above, Yu Zhong is indeed one of the Hero Mobile Legends who is very hungry for power with the intention of destroying the Land of Dawn.

The advantages of Mobile Legends Yu Zhong are: Yu Zhong does not use Mana to bring out every ability. Yu Zhong’s initial damage is quite lethal. Hero that can be used as a hard carry on his team. Yu Zhong was able to balance the early to late game though.

The drawbacks of Mobile Legends Yu Zhong are: It has a long cooldown. Yu Zhong is easy to counter or read his movements. Relying too much on Spell Vamp especially to survive. Yu Zhong is one of the Hero Mobile Legends which is quite difficult to master.

And those are some explanations about the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Legends Yu Zhong. With the frequent practice of using Yu Zhong and also continue to learn from professional players, about building items to tips and tricks. So don’t be surprised if one day you will become reliable and proficient in using Hero Yu Zhong in Mobile Legends.

That’s our article entitled “This is the figure of the Hero Mobile Legends Yu Zhong, his origins and advantages and disadvantages” from the team. Hopefully it will be useful especially for those of you who want to understand Yu Zhong Mobile Legends. Don’t forget to continue to share through any media so that this benefit can be obtained by many people. We invite you to continue to see us at so you can get our other informational news articles.

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