LoL Wild Rift Update Leaked in December, Ezreal Will Nerf Again?
LoL Wild Rift is rumored to be getting a new patch update in December. In addition, one of the champions will be nerfed again.
One of the iconic champions from the LoL Wild Rift game, Ezreal, a few days ago got a nerf because the win rate and KDA amount were too large.
In addition, its users easily dominate the game in the middle to the end of the game. This makes other champion users feel intimidated.
Even though he’s gotten nerf in some of his skills, it doesn’t mean that Ezreal’s domination will just stop. According to the team leader balancing, Jonathan Chao, via his twitter account mentions that Ezreal still has a huge win rate of 53%.
With such a large percentage, making a team balancing keep an eye on this champion.
He also revealed that in December there will be a new patch and will provide various changes in the game.
In the upload there is a reply saying that it should be the team balancing give nerf to Lee Sin. However, he replied that Lee Sin still had a normal win rate.
There is no further information about what nerf will be given to Ezreal and how big changes will be implemented in LoL Wild Rift later.
In addition to patch leaks, through official twitter account League of Legends: Wild Rift announced about open beta which will be opened in several countries.
On December 7th, LoL Wild Rift will be available in Vietnam, Oceania, and Taiwan. Europe, Turkey, Russia, the Middle East and North Africa will follow on 10 December.
Also Read: LoL Wild Rift Gets New Update! Everything You Need to Know!
What do you think about the LoL Wild Rift patch update in December? Does Ezreal have to be nerfed that fast? Or should there be another champion who needs to be nerfed as soon as possible?
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