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inYourdreaM Forms New Super DotA 2 Team for BTS Pro Series 4!

inYourdreaM Form a Super DotA 2 Team Dog for BTS Pro Series 4!

Tournament organizer Beyond The Summit announced their latest edition of BTS Pro Series. The fourth season is divided into three divisions with eight teams each: Americas, Europe/CIS and Southeast Asia.

This event will take place on December 8-20 and display the total prize USD$ 125,000. All matches will be broadcast on BTS’s official Twitch channel.

For the Southeast Asia division, T1 will be strengthened with their new lineup. Souliya ‘JackY’ Khoomphetsavong and Indonesian players, Kenny ‘Xepher’ Deo joined the organization just last week.

Boom Esports seems to have refused the invitation to enter the BTS Pro Series because they are taking a short break after a fairly long season.

But there is a new team that really catches our eyes, namely Team Dog. The line-up isn’t completely official yet, but the free stack so far features the top three names:

But one of the co-founders of BTS, David “GoDz” Parker gives us hints about the players from this Team Dog DotA 2 roster.

If you look at the hint, it looks like this:

  • Abed
  • Ice Ice Ice
  • Ahfu
  • Mushi? Whitemon?
  • inYourdreaM

Do you agree with the Team Dog spinners in DotA 2?

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