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How to Transfer Money Via Indomaret and Alfamart? Let's see the review!

How to Transfer Money Via Indomaret and Alfamart – Money transfer is an activity that is usually done by the community for various purposes. Generally, the transfer is made through a bank account. The transfer process is also fast and the transferee can receive it immediately without having to wait long.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a bank account. Sometimes people who live in remote areas do not have bank accounts. So, transfers via bank account cannot be done. Therefore, people need an alternative for transfers that do not require a bank account.

One solution that can be done is to transfer money through Indomaret and Alfamart. Moreover, the two minimarkets have penetrated into remote areas in the country. That way, money transfer activities become easier.

Terms of Money Transfer in Both Minimarkets

How to Transfer Money Via Indomaret and Alfamart

Before you decide to transfer money via Indomaret or Alfamart, you should know the conditions that must be met to make a transfer at the two minimarkets. For more details, see the following review.

Things to Prepare

So that you can transfer money through one of the two minimarkets above, you must prepare the following things.

Identity card

When you want to transfer money through Indomaret or Alfamart, you must submit an identity card. In this case, the identity cards that can be used are ID cards, driving licenses, or passports.

Sender’s Mobile Number

In addition to submitting an identity card to validate the sender’s data, you must also provide the mobile number used. Remember, the number must be an active number because from time to time Indomaret or Alfamart will contact you regarding the delivery made if needed.

Recipient’s Mobile Number

You will also be asked for the recipient’s mobile number. Remember, the mobile number given must be an active number. Therefore, make sure you are not mistaken when giving the recipient’s mobile number.

4.Cash to be Transferred

Because your goal in visiting the two minimarkets above is to transfer money, of course you have to prepare cash for that. Therefore, make sure you have prepared a certain amount of cash to be transferred.

After handing over the cash to the Indomaret or Alfamart teller, the teller will recalculate the money. Pay close attention to the process of recalculation of the cash by the teller to prevent things that are not desirable.

Admin Fee

In addition to preparing cash to be transferred, you also have to prepare more money to pay admin fees that will be charged when you transfer money. The admin fee is determined based on the amount transferred.

Please note that the minimum amount for money transfers via Indomaret or Alfamart is Rp. 10,000 and a maximum of Rp. 5,000,000 per transaction/transfer. Meanwhile, the admin fee that will be charged is Rp. 15,000 per money transfer under 1 million rupiah and Rp. 25,000 per transfer above 1 million rupiah.

What are the Details of How to Transfer Money?

After you have prepared everything needed for your money transfer needs, then you just have to follow the steps on how to transfer money via Indomaret and Alfamart below:

Come to Alfamart / Indomaret outlets

Because you want to transfer money through Indomaret or Alfamart, of course you have to go to the minimarket outlet first. Just go to the nearest outlet from where you live. When you get there, approach the cashier and tell them you want to transfer money.

Give the Required Files to the Cashier

After you tell the cashier, you will be asked how much money will be transferred. In addition, the cashier will prepare a form for data collection. Later the cashier will ask you to submit the following data:

  1. Identity card in the form of KTP, SIM, Passport.
  2. Your cellphone number as the sender and the recipient’s cellphone number.

Submit the amount of cash to be transferred

After all the data needed for the transfer needs have been entered, you must submit the amount of cash to be transferred. Later the cashier will recalculate the amount of money you submitted.

To prevent unwanted things, you should pay close attention when the cashier recalculates the money you submit for transfer.

Pay Administration Fee

In addition to submitting a certain amount of money to be transferred, you also have to pay an admin fee. The amount has been mentioned in the previous discussion above.

Get MTCN Code

After submitting the money to be transferred and admin fees, you just have to wait until you get a notification via SMS. The contents of the message received via SMS are in the form of a 10-digit MTCN code. In addition, the cashier will also provide a receipt containing the MTCN code.

Take good care of the code, don’t lose it. Because you will have to send the code to the transferee, because he will use the code to receive the transfer from Indomaret or Alfamart.

After you follow the steps above, it means that you have done all the ways to transfer money via Indomaret and Alfamart.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Money Transfer Via Indomaret and Alfamart

Before deciding to transfer money via Indomaret and Alfamart, you should know the advantages and disadvantages that will be obtained. For more details, see the detailed review below.


No Account

Transferring money via Indomaret and Alfamart is much easier and more practical, because you and the transferee do not need a bank account. If you or the transfer recipient live in remote areas that are generally not touched by banks, of course this is very easy.

No need to queue

Transferring money through Indomaret and Alfamart is much easier than transferring money through a bank teller. This is because the queues at the minimarket are generally much less than the queues at the bank. That way, you don’t have to wait long when you want to transfer money.

Longer Opening Hours

Some people have time constraints when they want to transfer money through a bank teller. The reason is, the bank’s working time is only until the afternoon. For those of you who have a hectic daily routine, sometimes you don’t have the opportunity to go to the bank at these times.

It’s different if you transfer money via Indomaret and Alfamart, where the minimarket opens until 10 pm. Of course you have more free time to transfer money.


Often someone is lazy to transfer money at the bank because the process is long and convoluted. This is much different if you transfer money via Indomaret and Alfamart, because the process is more practical as mentioned above.

Guaranteed you won’t feel the hassle of administration, bored with long waits, and other boring things.

Wide Range

After knowing how to transfer money via Indomaret and Alfamart, it will be easier for you to transfer money. Moreover, the reach of Indomaret and Alfamart is very wide because they are spread in various regions in Indonesia, even to remote areas.

Also Read: How to Withdraw Fund Balance and Transfer To Account


In addition to having advantages, of course transferring money through the two minimarkets above has disadvantages. It is very important for you to know these shortcomings, so you can take them into consideration before deciding whether to use the transfer services available at Indomaret and Alfamart or not. The shortcomings are as follows:

More Expensive Transfer Fee

Admin fees/transfer fees are more expensive than bank transfer fees. Because, transfers to the same bank are not charged any admin fees or free. Meanwhile, the transfer fee between different banks is only Rp. 6,500.

Different Cash Deposits

Cash deposits in each outlet are different. So it’s not necessarily that you can immediately withdraw a number of transfers if their cash supply is insufficient. As a result, you have to wait 2-3 before you can take everything.

That’s the information about how to transfer money via Indomaret and Alfamart that I can share this time. If you need a bankless transfer solution, then transferring money through Indomaret and Alfamart is the most appropriate choice.


Can Alfamart transfer money to a bank account?

Through Alfamart, you can also transfer to Bank Mandiri, BCA bank, BNI bank, CIMB NIAGA, , Permata Bank, BTN Bank, without having to have your own account. In addition, Alfamart also serves cash withdrawals, top up ovo, gopay, funds, my wallet, by paying directly in cash or cash to the cashier only.

Can Indomaret transfer money to an account?

You can do it at Indomaret, for more details, please come directly to the outlet and ask the cashier directly.

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