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How to Transfer Mandiri Account Virtual? Check out the tutorial in this review

Knowing how to transfer a Virtual Mandiri Account is very important, especially for those of you who want to make online payment transactions. By knowing how, of course the transaction activities that you do will be easier because you can do it without having to leave the house.

Virtual Account (VA) is a customer identification number that is opened upon request from the company. Later, this number will be used by the company’s customers, both individuals and non-individuals, as the account number for collection purposes.

Later, every Mandiri Virtual Account deposit will be automatically recorded by Bank Mandiri to the company’s main account by including the VA account number and name. For those of you who have a VA number, below I will mention a tutorial on how to make a transfer using that account.

Overview of Mandiri Account Virtual Transfer

How to Transfer Virtual Mandiri Account

To make a transfer or payment using VA Mandiri, there are three ways you can do it. The three methods are ATM transfers, Internet Banking transfers and Mobile Banking transfers. For an overview of how, you can read it below:

Choose VA Payment Method

After you complete an order on a marketplace and want to make a payment, you are directed to the payment page. Well, when on the payment page you can choose a payment method using a Virtual Account.

Select Bank

After selecting the type of VA payment, you will be asked to enter the bank choice that will be used to pay the VA bill. In accordance with this tutorial, just choose Mandiri bank.

Get Virtual Account Number

After you choose the type of bank to be used, then you will be given a VA number issued by the selected bank. Later you will use this number to make payments or transfer funds.

Make a Transfer

The next step you need to do is make a payment or transfer. In this case, there are three types of payment methods that you can do. We have mentioned the three payments above, namely ATM transfers, Internet Banking transfers and Mobile Banking transfers. For details on how, it will be mentioned in a separate sub-discussion below.

Read also: Forgot your Mandiri SMS Banking PIN? Here’s What To Do.

Details of How to Transfer Virtual Mandiri Account

How to Transfer Virtual Mandiri Account

For details on how to transfer a Virtual Mandiri Account, you can follow the tutorial below:

Transfer Virtual Account Via ATM

For details, just follow the steps that I will mention below:

  • First, please select the “Pay/Buy” menu.
  • After that, you will see the available payment types, such as Multi Payment and Bill Payment (PLN, PDAM, etc.). Because you want to make payments through a Virtual Account, just select “Multi Payment”.
  • After that, continue by entering the company code. After that, please select “Correct”.
  • Then you only need to enter your Virtual Account number (example: 998908021111287576). Continue the process by clicking “Correct”.
  • Then you only need to fill in the nominal to be transferred, then press “Correct”.
  • Before moving on to the next progress, make sure you check all the data listed there. Check carefully and thoroughly so that there are no errors. If it is considered correct, continue by pressing the number 1 and select “Yes”.
  • Don’t forget to select the confirmation screen and select “Yes” in order to make the payment.
  • Finished.

After performing all the steps above, the VA Mandiri payment method via ATM has been successfully carried out. Oh yes, don’t forget to save the outgoing receipt so that it can be proof of the remittance or transfer that you have made.

Transfer Virtual Account Via Mobile Banking

In addition to making transfers via ATM, you can also make VA Mandiri transfers via Internet Banking. The steps you have to take are as follows:

  • First, please login to your mobile banking first.
  • Continue by clicking on the “Menu Icon” located at the top left.
  • Then select the “Payment” menu.
  • Proceed with creating a “New Payment”.
  • Then just select “Multi Payment”.
  • After that select “Service Provider” or “Service Provider”.
  • Then just select the company code.
  • Continue by selecting “No. Virtual”
  • After that, enter your Virtual Account number with the company code (example 8870802111286568). Next, just select “Add As New Number”.
  • Enter the amount of funds to be transferred, then select “Confirm” and “continue”.
  • After that, a payment confirmation screen will appear. After making sure all the information and total billing are correct, continue by scrolling down and selecting “Confirm”.
  • Then enter your PIN and select “OK”.
  • Finished.

After performing all the steps mentioned above, it means that you have succeeded in transferring funds through Mandiri Internet Banking.

Transfer Virtual Account Via Mandiri Internet Banking

The last way you can do to transfer a Mandiri Virtual Account is through Mandiri Internet Banking. The steps you need to take are as follows:

  • First, you need to login to the Mandiri Online website by entering your user ID and PIN.
  • Next, you just select the “Payment” menu.
  • Continue by selecting the “Multi Payment” menu.
  • Next you just need to select “Your Account No”.
  • Continue by selecting “Service Provider”.
  • Select “No Virtual Account”.
  • Next you only need to enter the “Virtual Account Number”.
  • Continue by going to confirmation page 1.
  • After that, you just need to click “Total Bill”, then “Continue”.
  • Then you will go to confirmation page 2.
  • After that, you must enter the Challenge Code that is sent to the Internet Banking Token that you are using. After that click “Send”.
  • Later you will enter the confirmation page after making the payment.

Oh yes, I need to remind you that for payments made via Internet Banking, make sure you do not use the “Save Transfer List” feature. The reason is, all payments that you have made before will be saved. Finally, it will interfere with the next payment process.

Also Read: How to Buy Mandiri Internet Banking Electricity Token Easily

If you have already used the “Save Transfer List” feature, you just need to delete it. The steps you need to take are as follows:

  • First, login to Mandiri Online by entering the username and password you use.
  • Then you just need to select the “Payment” menu.
  • Continue by clicking on the “Payment List” menu.
  • After that, you just need to select a saved payment. Continue by selecting the menu for “Delete”.
  • You have completed the deletion process.

That’s the information about how to transfer a Virtual Mandiri Account that I can share in this article. Hopefully this review can be useful for you, especially those who don’t know how to make payments or transfer funds through these services.

What is a Virtual Account?

Virtual Account is an artificial account that is not really real or called virtual. Usually in this account there is a customer ID number created by the bank.

What is the difference between Manual Transfer and Virtual Account?

The most visible difference is that if you make a Manual Transfer, the sender must confirm after making a payment, but if you use a Virtual Account, the buyer does not need to report to confirm the payment.

What are the Advantages of Using a Virtual Account?

Transaction payments via virtual accounts are considered faster and more practical.

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