How to Protect Cells and Ranges in MS. Excel (Full+Image)
Microsoft Excel is an application from Microsoft that makes it easy for us to create financial reports or other reports. Usually if we use excel, there must be a lot of formulas that we use, because it can help us in doing tasks.
With so many formulas, we definitely want our data to be safe, right? For that we have to protect or lock the cell so that it cannot be edited and remains safe. Although by giving protection to the Excel work is not a guarantee that the data will be safe, but at least it can reduce it. Because by making protection in Office Excel, in the end, protection can be uprooted.
And usually the protected Excel data is important data in which there are many functions (formulas). It is feared that if it is not protected then these functions will be deleted so that the application does not run normally. Then, how do you protect or lock cells and ranges?
Well, this time I will share about how to protect or lock cells and ranges so they can’t be edited easily. how do? Just follow the steps on how to protect cells and ranges in Ms. Excel below yes.
How to Protect Cells and Ranges in MS. Excel
Basically all cells and ranges are locked by default when you enable sheet protection. For that the first step you need is to disable it first in the following way:
1. First, please block or select all cells on the sheet that are related to shortcut Ctrl+A or Click the triangle icon in the upper left corner the sheets. Then, please click “Format Cells”. As in the image below.
2. Then, will appear Format Cells dialog. In this dialog box. please select or activate Protection tab. Then, please uncheck the Locked option. Then, please click Ok. As in the image below.
Alternatively, for a shorter and easier way you can disable the protection of all cells in the following way:
1. Please block or select all cells on the sheet related to shortcut Ctrl+A or Click the triangle icon in the upper left corner the sheets.
2. Then, please click Home Tabs, then click “Format”. Then, please click “Lock Cell”. As in the image below.
At this stage the main goal is to disable the cell lock setting for all excel cells on the assembled sheet.
Second step, after setting all unprotected cells (unlocked cells) is to activate the lock cell settings on some specific cells that you need. The method is as follows:
1. Please block/selection sell or range what do you want. As in the image below.
2. Then, please right click, then select menu Format Cells. As in the image below.
3. Then, will appear Format Cells Dialog Box. Please click Protection tab. Then, on the Protection tab, make sure the option Locked ticked. Then, click Ok. As in the image below.
For an easier way you can use the menu Lock cell as before in Tab Home–Group Cell–Format.
Well, how? The method is quite easy and very simple right? Now we can lock or protect the cells and ranges we want. So, our cells become more secure, especially if there are many formulas in our cells.
That’s how to protect cells and ranges in Ms. Excel that you can try. If this article can help you, please share it with your friends so they also know how to protect cells and ranges in Ms. Excel.
The rain lover and coffee connoisseur who likes to sit in daydream while dreaming of his dreams that will come true.
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