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How to Overcome Blue Screen 2021

How to Overcome Blue Screen

How to Overcome Blue Screen – With the rapid development of technology, of course, all community activities are always related to computers, laptops, smartphones and others.

One thing that is always needed today is a laptop, because it can be used to do office work, campus assignments, school assignments or business.

Every day we always use it even for hours for a fairly heavy task.

With prolonged use, of course, the laptop or computer will sometimes hang or error so that the operating system is forced to stop.

The problem that most often or commonly occurs on laptops is a blue screen and can make the laptop suddenly turn itself off.

Blue Screen or Blue Screen of Death abbreviated BSoD occurs when an error occurs in Windows that makes the operating system forcibly terminated.

If this happens to your device, then you can try the following blue screen solutions.

How to Overcome Blue Screen

1. How to Overcome Blue Screen by Cleaning Malware Virus

How to Overcome Blue Screen
How to Overcome Blue Screen by Cleaning Malware Virus

An unstable system is caused by malware that can penetrate deep into Windows and even reach the Windows kernel which is the lowest thing of Windows.

If this happens, then you can be sure that the blue screen will attack your device and of course it must be addressed immediately.

For that, you can use how to overcome the blue screen by cleaning the malware virus.

Because it is the most appropriate action and is widely used by several other users.
So that the blue screen on your computer device will not occur again when it is being used later.

2. How to Overcome Blue Screen by Installing Update Drivers

How to Overcome Blue Screen
How to Overcome Blue Screen by Installing Update Drivers

Crashes or blue screens are sometimes caused by incorrectly installed drivers, so special actions need to be taken to overcome them.

How to overcome the blue screen by installing updated drivers can be one of the right actions you can take.

Because after the driver is installed, some other devices will also return to normal such as wifi networks and others.

That way, the blue screen will not approach your PC or laptop device.

3. How to Overcome Blue Screen with System Restore

How to Overcome Blue Screen
How to Overcome Blue Screen with System Restore

How to overcome the blue screen with system restore can be used if the blue screen attacks your Windows device.

After a system restore is done, you can be sure that the laptop will return to normal and this method is also considered quite good.

Because in some cases, the blue screen is also caused by an error in the software.

So that system restore is one way that can be used to overcome it.

4. How to Overcome Blue Screen by Booting into Safe Mode

How to Overcome Blue Screen
How to Overcome Blue Screen by Booting into Safe Mode

How to overcome the blue screen by booting into Safe Mode can also be done because Windows will only take important drivers.

After the incorrectly installed driver can be removed or uninstalled, your laptop will automatically return to normal.

However, it is still recommended not to use the laptop for not too long, so that it does not get damaged quickly and to avoid other problems.

5. How to Overcome Blue Screen by Checking Hardware

How to Overcome Blue Screen
How to Overcome Blue Screen by Checking Hardware

If there is a hardware failure on the laptop, a blue screen will automatically occur on the laptop.

Of course this can make you feel disturbed when using a laptop, especially when you are doing important tasks.

So how to overcome the blue screen by checking the hardware is important to do, namely by typing Memory Diagnostics Tool Start Menu.

6. How to Overcome Blue Screen by Reinstalling Windows

How to Overcome Blue Screen
How to Fix Blue Screen by Reinstalling Windows

How to overcome the blue screen by reinstalling Windows could be the right solution and you can try to do it.

Because reinstalling will make the Windows operating system operate as in new condition.

However, if the reinstallation has been done but the blue screen still occurs, it’s possible that the problem is in the hardware.

Therefore you have to find another way to deal with it.

Read also: How to Remove Virus on Laptop

7. Causes of the Blue Screen

How to Overcome Blue Screen
Causes of Blue Screen

There are several causes that lead to the occurrence of blue screens on laptops, including:

  • Damage to Driver
  • This driver is useful for introducing hardware to the operating system so that it can recognize the device according to its function. Errors or crashes will occur if the system you install does not match. So first make sure the installed drivers match.
  • There is damage to the partition but not the hard drive. So try to check the cable with chkdsk if the SATA/IDE is properly installed.
  • The laptop is overheating because it has been used for too long.
  • Excessive overclocking.
  • Corrupt processor and bios.
  • There is damage to memory or RAM so try to check it or replace it with a new one.

The final word

You can use the above methods to solve blue screen problems that occur on laptops.

So that the problem can be resolved quickly, first make sure the cause so that the blue screen occurs.

Try not to use the laptop for too long and do regular maintenance so that it can last for a long time.

That’s the whole content of our article this time about how to fix blue screen 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

Dody S.

Someone who likes to learn and share everything about technology.

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