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How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram Without Apps on Android & iPhone 2021

Therefore, in this article, we will share with you some tips for using the Telegram application so that it does not appear online.

The topic of privacy in the Telegram application is indeed quite controversial, both in terms of the context of hacking and its use by terrorist groups.

Hmm, you can forget for a moment the controversial issue, because some of the features of this telegram application are very practical for everyday use.

Alright, here are some tips on 7 tricks on how to use the Telegram application that allows you to maintain your privacy.

Here is complete information on how to avoid being seen Online on Telegram without an application on Android & iPhone that you can use as a guide.

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram

1. How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram With Secret Chat

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram
How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram With Secret Chat

The first way is not to be seen online on Telegram with secret chat.

Secret chat is one of the messaging features in the telegram application that provides encryption facilities, and notifications for screenshots.

In addition, this feature also does not allow forwards, and timers for messages to be deleted by themselves. To use this Secret Chat feature, you only need to select one of the features in the telegram application menu.

In addition you can also choose the contact you will use Secret Chat, and wait for your friend to join this secret conversation.

2. How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Turning Off Message Preview

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram
How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Turning Off Message Preview

This message preview allows you to read the message without having to open the chat application that is being used.

Even so, but this also allows the message you receive to be read by other people who are currently near you.

Or it could be by people who are borrowing your Smartphone.

Immediately, here’s how to avoid being seen online on Telegram by turning off message previews.

How to turn off Telegram’s Message Preview feature

The first thing in how to turn off the Telegram message preview feature as a way to avoid being seen online on Telegram, go to the Settings menu > Notification and Sounds.

Then select ON / OFF in the Message Preview section.

3. How to not be seen online on Telegram by hiding the “Last Seen” message

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram
How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Hiding the “Last Seen” Message

Today’s messaging apps can help you figure out when you last used the app. If you don’t want every contact to see this information, then you can simply hide it, just like using features in WhatsApp.

However, the only difference between how to avoid being seen online on Telegram and hiding the “last seen” message is that Telegram has several other alternatives that can be used.

4. How to Hide Last Seen on Telegram

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram
How to Hide Last Seen on Telegram

Here’s how to hide last seen on Telegram:

  • First, enter the menu Settings > your privacy Security > Last Seen.
  • Next, choose between Everybody > My Contact or Nobody.
  • Then, you can also specify who can see the last time you used the Telegram application.

That’s how not to be seen online on Telegram with last seen.

5. How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Locking Conversations with Passcode

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram
How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Locking Conversations with Passcode

Well, the tips this time are very useful when your Smartphone is being borrowed by a friend, and to avoid other people peeking at your messages.

Then you can lock it with a Passcode (Password) so that the message cannot be broken into by your friends. Here’s how to avoid being seen online on Telegram by locking the conversation with a passcode:

  • Enter on the menu Settings > Your Privacy Security > Passcode.
  • Then activate your Passcode option.
  • And enter the code of your choice.

Now you can open and lock it just by pressing the Padlock Icon located at the top.

You need to know, if it’s possible that you forgot your passcode, the only way you can do that is by simply deleting and reinstalling the Telegram application.

However, all Secret Chats in the Telegram application will be deleted

6. How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Monitoring Active Sessions

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram
How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Monitoring Active Sessions

Telegram is one of those messaging apps available for a number of platforms, so it’s possible that you can use it on a variety of different devices as well.

In addition, this telegram has also given you information on what devices and when the device was last used.

Because you can use this feature to monitor whether there are devices that are not yours that are accessing your conversations.

You can even erase and sign out of the device in question.

Here’s how to avoid being seen online on Telegram by monitoring active sessions.

How to View Telegram Active Sessions

Here’s how to view active Telegram sessions as a way to avoid being seen online on Telegram:

  • Go to the Settings menu > Your Privacy Security > Active Sessions
  • Then look at the list of devices that are currently accessing your Telegram account.
  • Click the device to remove it and Log Out.

7. How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Automatically Delete Account

How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram
How To Not Be Seen Online on Telegram By Automatically Delete Account

Telegram also has a number of features that are quite unique, and they allow you to destroy accounts that you don’t want to use for a while.

Because you can use this feature whenever you want, and this feature can also help you at any time when you want to change phone numbers.

Here’s how to avoid being seen online on Telegram by automatically deleting your account.

How to Set Automatically Delete Account on Telegram

Here’s how to avoid being seen online on Telegram by setting up automatic account deletion on Telegram:

  • Please enter the menu Settings > Privacy and Security.
  • Click option “If you’re away for…”
  • Then select the time period you want.

You need to know that when you choose a certain period of time and don’t want your account to be deleted by itself, then at least you have to use this application only once.

The final word

Those are some of the ways that we can share with you on how to avoid being seen online on Telegram by other Telegram users.

For those of you who don’t know how, please listen to the article above until the end so you can find the answer you want.

You can choose one or even try all of the above methods to determine the best way that you can use according to your needs.

Some of the ways that we recommend above include the easiest, and simple way for you to try.

That’s our whole discussion in this article about how to not be seen online on Telegram without apps on Android & iPhone 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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