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How to Maximize Youtube Video Search 2021

So that makes Youtube as the second search engine after Google but in video format.

Various kinds of content such as games, culinary, cosmetics, fashion, health, traveling and others can be found on Youtube.

Youtube will also display some videos in the top position because the number of likes and views is high and this will make the video you want to find difficult to find.

However, this problem can be solved by taking advantage of one of the features on Youtube to maximize your search.

Automatically the video you want can be searched quickly and accurately by using the search filter feature.

Meanwhile, you can see how to maximize Youtube video searches in the following review.

How to Maximize Youtube Video Search

1. How to Maximize Youtube Video Search by Opening the Youtube Application

How to Maximize Youtube Video Search
How to Maximize Youtube Video Search by Opening the Youtube Application

One way that you can use to maximize Youtube video searches is to open the application.

The following will explain how to maximize Youtube video search by opening the Youtube application:
  • Open the Youtube app on your Android device or iPhone
  • Then click the Search icon or the magnifying glass
  • Next, write down the keywords of the desired video, for example Arya Saloka
  • Click Search after the keywords are written and the video of your search results will be displayed on the next page.
  • To display the filter dialog box and filter the displayed video, please click the Filter logo at the top right of the screen.

2. How to Maximize Youtube Video Search Using Search Filters

How to Maximize Youtube Video Search
How to Maximize Youtube Video Search Using Search Filters

In addition to the application, you also use the search filters on Youtube to maximize Youtube video searches.

Here’s how to maximize YouTube video searches using search filters that you can follow:
  • If the Search Filter dialog box appears and to display the desired video, please select a filter by category
  • To sort videos in the order you want, please click Sort by
  • There are 4 options that you can use, namely Relevant, which functions to bring up the video that is most relevant to the search keyboard used. To sort videos by date, please use the Upload date option.
  • To sort videos by the number of views they get, use the View Count option and sort videos by the number of likes using the Rating option.
  • Use the Type filter to select the type of content that appears. There are 6 options that you can choose including All to display all, only displaying related channels, namely the Channel option.
  • Upload date to search for videos based on the upload date for example a day ago, last week and others. To select the duration of the video, use the Duration filter, Short option for a duration of less than 4 minutes and a video duration of more than 20 minutes, select the Long option.
  • Meanwhile, to search for videos outside the filter category such as live video, 4K, VR180 and others according to the explanation above, you can use Features. How to click the feature you want until the color changes to dark blue .
  • Please click Apply when finished.

The video you are looking for will be sorted by the options in the filter you have selected and this process is known to be successful or not if the filter icon is blue.

The final word

You can try to maximize the Youtube video search like the review above to find the desired video.

That way, you can more easily search for videos by category, upload date, video duration and more.

So that the position of the video you are looking for will be in the top position.

That’s the whole content of our article this time about how to maximize Youtube video search 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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