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How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours Without Apps & With Apps 2021

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime Without App & With App – Youtube showtime is the watch duration or the number of hours generated by the Youtube channel from the uploaded video.

Every second, minute and hour of a video watched on Youtube will be included in the calculation of showtime in Youtube Analytics.

Then the broadcast time will be used as evidence and assessment if the uploaded video does provide benefits for many people.

On some Youtube channels, there are many broadcast hours, but few videos are uploaded and there are many videos but few broadcast hours.

Youtube will usually provide recommendations on channels that have few videos but have a lot of showtimes.

That’s what makes Youtube showtimes very important for future YouTube SEO purposes.

Discussion on How to Hack Youtube Showtimes

But increasing broadcast hours on Youtube is one of the things that is difficult to do apart from getting a lot of subscribers and viewers if you work as a content creator.

Because to increase the showtime, a youtuber must create content that is really good and useful for other people.

There are even some YouTubers who do various ways to increase the broadcast time on their Youtube channel quickly.

One way to do this is to do a hack, because this method is considered easy and fast. There is also an application for 4000 watch hours on YouTube and you can practice it.

If you are interested in doing so, you can refer to the following review on how to hack Youtube showtimes without an application & with an application.

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime

1. How to Hack Youtube Watchtime Using the Loop Feature

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime
How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours Using the Loop Feature

One of the features that you can use to increase broadcast hours on Youtube is the Loop feature.

This feature is already on Youtube and you can use it to watch videos on your own channel repeatedly automatically.

Here’s how to hack Youtube showtimes using the Loop feature:

  • Go to Youtube and go to your channel.
  • Then click the Videos menu and click Play All.
  • Then click the Replay or Loop Play List icon.
  • You can do this method in another browser or a new one and you can try to do it for 1 or 2 days first. If the viewing status or showtime increases, then you can repeat it over and over again. If the number of viewing hours does not increase, it means that you have to watch the video manually until the duration is complete.

2. How to Hack Youtube Showtimes Using Social Media Services

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime
How to Hack Youtube Showtimes Using Social Media Services

Because at this time the world of Youtube is developing and one of the important components needed is showtime so that the channel can grow.

Making a lot of services popping up that offer to increase Youtube showtimes instantly.

This method is also widely used, especially by new Youtubers whose subscribers are under 500.

In addition to broadcast hours, subscribers can also grow quickly and the cost itself ranges from 300-500 thousand.

If you are interested, you can search for information on these service providers through several social media such as Instagram, Facebook and others.

So how to hack Youtube showtimes using this social media service you can also try to apply.

3. How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours With the Sub4sub Application

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime
How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours With the Sub4sub Application

The application to increase YouTube showtimes on Android, namely Sub4Sub, is one of the most popular applications among YouTubers, especially those who are just starting a new channel.

Because this application can be used to increase the number of subscribers, viewers and broadcast hours quickly and easily.

Sub4Sub can be downloaded for free via Google PlayStore or the following link, Click here.

For that you can also try how to hack Youtube showtimes with this Sub4Sub application.

4. How to Hack Youtube Showtimes With the Youtubers Clan Application

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime
How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours With the Youtubers Clan Application

The second YouTube catch-up application is Youtubers Clan.

This yt Youtubers Clan showtime apk is one of the most popular applications to increase subscribers, viewers and showtimes around the world.

There are so many users of this application because it can be used for free and can be downloaded via the following link, Click here.

How to increase free youtube showtimes with this application is indeed made to help new Youtubers to get Youtube monetization and more channel views.

In addition, you can also promote each other’s Youtube channel with other users.

So how to hack Youtube showtimes with the Youtubers Clan application you can also apply.

5. How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours With Special Tricks

How to Hack Youtube Watchtime
How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours with Special Tricks

In addition to using additional applications or service providers, you can also do how to increase broadcast hours on Youtube by applying some special tricks.

Here’s how to hack Youtube showtimes with a special trick:

1. How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours By Deciding Your Youtube Channel Niche

Before creating a Youtube channel, you must first determine the niche.

How to hack Youtube showtimes by determining your YouTube channel niche includes what video themes will be discussed and who is the target, because some of these things must be considered and prepared in advance.

Because your channel will be easier to recognize and search for if you only discuss one topic because between one video and another video there must be a relationship.

That way, your videos will be fun to watch even if they are long.

2. How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours By Creating Content That Others Need

Then there is also a way to hack Youtube showtimes with content that other people need.

If your Youtube videos can solve other people’s problems, they will surely enjoy watching the video for a long time.

It’s not impossible, if they will watch your other videos as well until the end without being asked.

Because the video is really needed and useful.

3. How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours By Making Long Videos

The third is how to hack Youtube showtimes by making videos with a long duration.

Most Youtubers don’t like making long videos.

Because in addition to being inconvenient, there are also those who think that if the duration is long, people will be lazy to watch.

But even though the duration is long, try to be packaged in an interesting way so that people are curious to watch it.

4. How to Hack Youtube Watch Hours By Expanding the videos on your Youtube channel

How to hack Youtube showtimes by multiplying videos on the Youtube channel can also be used as a solution to increase your Youtube showtimes.

Because more and more videos are uploaded, of course viewers will be more free to choose other videos.

But the videos also try to keep them of good quality so that viewers don’t get bored.

The final word

Some of the ways to hack Youtube showtimes above you can use to increase showtimes on your Youtube channel.

You can choose one method that is considered safe, easy and simple to do.

Because each method also has advantages and disadvantages, so you have to be patient if showtimes don’t increase quickly.

Don’t miss our next article on how to hack android youtube viewer, software to increase YouTube showtimes, sites to add free YouTube showtimes, YouTube scripts and YouTube showtime bots.

That’s the whole content of our article this time about how to hack youtube watchtime without application & with application 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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