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How to Display Weather on the Home Screen of an Android Phone (Without Applications)

The Android operating system is one of the greatest inventions after the internet. Its presence has a major impact on the pattern of people’s lives. Before Android, contacting other people over the phone could cost a lot of money, but now for just a few thousand rupiahs, you can chat with other people for as long as possible through a cellphone that is connected to the internet.

Amazingly, Android has evolved into an all-in-one tool. To pay, you can use an Android phone as a substitute for cash so that people are slowly changing into a cashless society. In the rainy season, Android can also be used to assist you in anticipating the rain when going outside.

When going out of the house, you can see the condition of the clouds in the sky to predict the rain, but this method is not very reliable. Sometimes it rains even though the sky doesn’t look cloudy at all.

For that you need weather forecast information. Before Android appeared, weather information could be obtained from the internet via PC, but it was not as practical as an Android cellphone which was much smaller in size so that it could fit in a pants pocket, shirt or jacket.

How to display the weather on the home screen of an Android phone

The sophistication of Android phones and their small size make these devices suitable to accompany those of you who almost every day have a busy schedule of activities, especially when it rains often because Android is also able to display weather information. To make it easier to access, you can also display the weather information on the Android home screen.

  1. Press and hold the home screen of your cellphone.How to display the weather on the home screen of an Android phone
  2. Several options will appear as shown below, please choose Widgets.Show Weather on Home Screen 2
  3. Scroll down a bit and select the widget named Time and Weather.How to display the weather on the home screen of an Android phone
  4. Place the weather widget on the slide of the screen you want. Then double tap the widget or select Add cities to set your location.Show Weather on Home Screen 4
  5. In the Current location option, you select On. If you get a notification like this, just select Allow.How to display the weather on the home screen of an Android phone
  6. The degree of temperature we usually use Celsius not Fahrenheit. Therefore, we can change it by selecting Fahrenheit.Show Weather on Home Screen 6
  7. After that you choose Celsius.Show Weather on Home Screen 7
  8. Success, you have added information about the weather and temperature on the home screen of your cellphone. Knowing information about the weather today is rainy, normal or otherwise, just pay attention to the temperature and cloud shape on the widget.How to display the weather on the home screen of an Android phone

The final word..

Erratic weather can interfere with activities. With weather forecast information, at least you can anticipate changes in the weather so that the activity schedule can be adjusted. On Android, the weather information that you can see is not only the weather conditions where you live, but also the weather conditions in other areas. You can get weather information for all cities in Indonesia, even for cities located abroad.

The role of Android in the life of modern society is indeed enormous. There are many benefits that can be obtained from Android. These benefits are not only for those who are computer savvy, but also for ordinary people who only know how to use applications.

Even an Android cellphone can be used as a ruler, to find out the name of food, find the location of someone’s house or the location of the nearest hospital at an emergency, look for the meaning of words written in foreign languages, and so on.

With so many benefits, the generation born at a time when Android was everywhere, may never be separated from Android. From morning till night, Android will never be out of reach of their hands. So dependent on Android, many people are now addicted to Android as well as acute gamers who are addicted to playing games.

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