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How to Create a 2021 Android Cashier Application

How to Create an Android Cashier Application

How to Create an Android Cashier Application – Data collection of transactions in each line of business is one of the most important things.

By knowing the number of transactions, you can find out how much profit or loss the business activity you are engaged in is where everything can be seen from the purchase or sale transaction.

Which is usually for sales transactions, prospective buyers will meet directly with the cashier or shopkeeper and of course a cashier must know the price of each product sold.

If the items sold are still relatively small, maybe the cashier can easily memorize the price.

But what if your business sells several types of goods with different prices? Of course a cashier will not remember the price of each item.

And generally business owners will record several items and prices in a book when the owner does not know or remember the price of the goods to be purchased by potential buyers.

Therefore you must know how to make a cashier application on Android. With that, please refer to the review below.

Discussion on How to Create an Android Cashier Application

Not only that, a cashier was also required to write a receipt as proof of the transaction.

If all sales activities are carried out in the traditional way, it will certainly take a lot of time, right?

Plus if your business is often visited by several loyal buyers, of course they have to give up their time just to wait.

Many people say that waiting is boring, the majority of your product buyers will probably agree with this.

And it’s likely that if your service is not improved, the buyer will turn to another store just because of the long wait.

Therefore, a cashier must be good at serving buyers quickly and precisely. And the best solution is to use an android cashier application that you can use practically through a Smartphone.

By using the cashier application and how to create an android cashier application, you don’t need to record sales transactions and remember the price of each item sold because the cashier application will automatically calculate sales transactions every day. Easy isn’t it?

How to Create an Android Cashier Application

How to Create the Latest Android Cashier Application

How to Create an Android Cashier Application
How to Create the Latest Android Cashier Application

The following are the steps to make the latest android cashier application that you can do using the Smartphone you have:

  • First of all, please login first.
  • Then there are 4 menus, namely new sales, item data, sales data and logout.
  • Which for new sales, there is a date input (which takes today’s date and cannot be changed), then there is item data where this item list can be added by products that are already in the database and selecting a product there should be a product select button or input the code of the item (can be seen later for reference), then the item can be edited and the quantity deleted. view is also the total to be paid.
  • After selecting the finished goods, there is a payment input where there is an input field for the amount paid and a discount input in the form of an amount of money, not a percent. And there is a column that displays the amount of change, after being saved there is a question whether the note will be printed, if so, the note will be printed immediately. To print yourself, you don’t need a special cashier printer, a normal printer does nothing, the important thing is that it can print.
  • And in viewing sales transactions, it’s simple to just display sales transactions. Then there is only a filter range, also the range can be seen from the details of what items are included in the transaction and when viewed there is an option to check the note again.
  • Furthermore, in viewing the item data, the cashier can only see the list of items without being able to edit it, then there is a filter for the name and code of the item.
  • The last step is logging out, as usual, logging out in general.
  • Now if the application is closed, if possible, you have to log back in because closing the application is the same as logging out

The final word

Those are the steps for how to make an Android-based cashier application that we have shared above.

How easy enough isn’t it to do? and certainly won’t take up so much time.

If you want to do it you can follow the steps above and if this information is important please share it with your friends.

That’s the whole content of our discussion in this article about how to make an android cashier app. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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