How the Indonesian Team Especially RRQ and Evos Met in the Final MPL Invitational (MPLI)
How or scenarios for the Indonesian team, especially RRQ and Evos, can meet in the MPL Final Invitational (MPLI)!
Surely you all want to see two Indonesian teams in the final of the MPL Invitational (MPLI), especially for the two biggest Indonesian MLBB teams, namely RRQ and Evos.
Where all Mobile Legends game lovers in Indonesia really want to see the two big teams fight in the MPLI final, especially since both of them currently have a very strong roster.
Then what is the scenario that must be followed so that RRQ Hoshi and Evos Legends can meet in the final of the MPL Invitational? SPIN Esports will give a little explanation!
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How RRQ and Evos met in the MPLI Final

The method itself is very easy, they both have to be on different charts, you can see the MPLI chart from the photo above!
RRQ is currently on the left chart and if you want to meet Evos in the final then Evos must be on the right chart.
So basically Evos should not be on the left chart, namely on the RRQ chart itself or on the chart from Todak.
And if Evos Legends is already on the chart on the right then they must win all matches to meet RRQ in the final.
Here the task of Evos is very difficult because they will play from the beginning or far more than RRQ who are already waiting for their opponent in the playoffs.
But that doesn’t mean Evos can’t advance to the finals considering their current roster is the champions like Luminaire, Antimage, LJ, Rekt, Rexxy and Wann.
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Not Only RRQ and Evos Can Meet in the MPLI final
You need to remember that this method does not only apply to RRQ and Evos so that they will meet in the MPLI final later.
But this method also applies to all Indonesian teams playing in the MPL Invitational this time. The point is that all Indonesian teams must be on different charts so that they have a very big chance of going to the final.
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