Here's How to Reset Skills and Build Points in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Ragnarok M : Eternal Love
GridGames.ID – You’ve played with a far level but entered the wrong skill? Or made the wrong build point in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love?
Don’t worry, Gridgames will tell you how and it’s very easy for you to follow.
If you want to reset skills in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, you must find the Skill Reset Rod item.
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Usually you can have these items when you open a Myst Bag at level 20 or 30.
But if you don’t have the item, don’t worry. You can buy it from an old man in Prontera whose head says “Event Item”.
You can buy it for 500 thousand Zeny (in-game currency Ragnarok M: Eternal Love).

Skill Reset Rod Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
It’s easy, you just use the item. If you already have it, you will definitely find it in your bag or purse.
After you use the item, all the skills you have have successfully reset and return to 0. You can immediately reset it, deh.
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