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Epic Game Store Finally Allows Developers to Publish Their Own Games

GANEFINITY.ID, Jember – Exciting news comes from one of the digital distribution platforms, Epic Games. Through their official website, they announced that developers and publishers were allowed to publish their games independently on the Epic Games Store.

By allowing studios and publishers to add their products to the store, Epic Games expects the store to grow faster than ever before. However, it’s still in closed beta, but anyone who wants to access it can sign up for Epic.

they announced that developers and publishers were allowed to publish their games independently on the Epic Games Store.

“Sign up now to participate in the closed beta for the new Epic Games Store self-publishing series. This streamlines the process simplifying the process for developers to set up product pages, achievements, pricing, offers, and upload builds and updates on the Epic Games Store.” Says Epic Games

“If you are a developer and you want to get your game on the Epic Games Store and in front of its 58 million monthly active users, submit your content for closed beta consideration.” he added

To date, the Epic Games Store has only had a manual process relying on Epic’s internal team for every step of the way in publishing the more than 650 games and apps currently available. With this new self-publishing tool, the Epic Games Store game and app library will grow faster than ever.

As we know, with Steam Direct, Valve got a lot of criticism for losing quality control when publishers started adding their own titles to the storefront.

However this will be addressed by Epic, that anything that is hateful, discriminatory and includes pornography, illegal goods or malware will not be allowed in the store.

Epic’s self-publishing system is being introduced in closed beta as a means of testing devices and improving them, with developer feedback while increasing the number of games and apps on the Epic Games Store.

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