Build Sangonomiya Kokomi Genshin Impact (v2.1): Weapons, Artifacts, and Priority Talent Recommendations
GAMEFINITY.ID, BALI – Sangonomiya Kokomi is a new character in the update Genshin Impact 2.1. Global release on September 21, 2021 after Raiden Shogun’s banner, Kokomi is a character Hydro ️5 who uses weapons Catalyst.
Recommended Kokomi Genshin Impact Senjata
Considering Kokomi can’t deal critical damage due to effects Flawless Strategy (25% bonus healing effect, -100% CRIT Rate), here are the recommendations for the most suitable 4 and 5 weapons for Kokomi:
- Everlasting Moonglow (☆5)
- Amber Prototype (☆4)
- Skyward Atlas (☆5)
- Dodoco Tales (☆4)
- Sacrificial Fragment (☆4)
- Mappa Mare (☆4)
- Favonius Codex (☆4)
Kokomi Genshin Impact Artifact Recommended
Kokomi Artifact Set Recommended
- Heart of Depth 4-Piece Set
- Heart of Depth 2-Piece Set + Tenacity of the Milelith 2-Piece Set
- Heart of Depth 2-Piece Set + Maiden Beloved 2-Piece Set
- Tenacity of the Milelith 2-Piece Set + Maiden Beloved 2-Piece Set
Kokomi Artifact Main Stats Recommended
- Flower of Life: HP
- Plume of Death: ATK
- Sands of Aeon: HP%
- Goblet of Eonothem: Hydro DMG Bonus/HP%
- Circlet of Logos: HP%
Kokomi Artifact Sub Stats Recommendation
HP% > HP > ATK% > ATK > Energy Recharge
Kokomi Genshin Impact’s Priority Talent
Support: Kurage’s Oath (E) > Nereid’s Ascension (Q) > Normal Attack: The Shape of Water
DPS: Nereid’s Ascension (Q) > Normal Attack: The Shape of Water > Kurage’s Oath (E)
That’s the build recommendation for Sangonomiya Kokomi Genshin Impact. Have you managed to get Kokomi?
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