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8 Games That Look Fun But Make You Peek

GAMEFINITY.ID, Tanjung Balai Karimun – The game itself has many genres that players can enjoy, ranging from adventure games, horror, music, and many other genres.

However, have you ever realized that there are some games that have cheerful, exciting and fun visuals that actually have a story that is enough to make the hearts of players with high emotional attachments. Well here we will review the games that look fun but can make the player whine when they find out the back story, let’s listen to it right away.


This game has actually given a warning to the players, that there will be quite sensitive content in this game. However, for people who play this game without reading the synopsis and also only seeing screenshots of this game, you will be surprised by the content in this game.

This game brings colorful and very cheerful visuals, looks like funny games with a 2-dimensional game concept. However, this game carries a pretty deep story, especially for the mentally ill. This game is a story of regret, depression and trauma. If you are a fan of the highly emotional Turn Base RPG game, this game is for you to play.


Yes, for this one game, of course, you acute RPG gamers already know about this game, yes, but for those of you who just want to dive into the second RPG game, Undertale is a game that eliminates the cliché formula in current RPG games.

In Undertale you will be given the option to interact and make peace with enemies, unlike RPG games in general which will require you to kill enemies even though they look friendly. The ending of this game will also depend on what you do during your journey in the game. And this game will give you a high emotional sense, about, friendship, perspective and also find out who the real monster is.

Original Series

The Ori game provides very colorful and cheerful visuals, for people who only see screenshots of this game, they will not think that this game can make players moody and sad. From the beginning of the game, you will be presented with conflicts that befell the two characters in this game.

And the melancholia in this game is not limited to just one game, for example, the sequel to this game is Ori and The Will of the Wisp. Will still give you a sad, moody feeling while playing.

Mother 3

If you hear the word “nitendo” what do you think of?, family games?, fun stuff?, all of those statements are true, but a big exception for this Game titled Mother 3, this JRPG Game gives an emotional and very tragic impression to the main character.

This is quite interesting because Nintendo provides a new atmosphere on their console, an atmosphere of death, emotion and revenge that we haven’t seen in exciting games on Nintendo, and Mother 3 provides that color.

However, this game was never released outside of Japan, it didn’t even get a re-release like other Nintendo games, what’s the reason Nintendo doesn’t want to share the tragic story of the characters in this game to the world public?

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening ( Spoiler Alert!!)

This game was originally released for Gameboy, but then a remake was made for Nintendo Switch, in Nintendo this game gets cute and colorful visuals, but for old players this game will certainly agree if the Link’s Awakening series is the saddest Zelda series. of the entire series.

Although this game carries the name Zelda, you will not find Zelda at all in this game, but you will meet a new character named Marin. And at the end of the game it will be revealed that all the islands and people that the link meets are just an illusion from a dream. You will be led to find 8 instruments that will be used to wake him up.

And during your journey you will be brought closer to the islanders and the marines, and when you wake up from your dreams, all your trips will only be memories.

Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Spoiler Alert!!)

This one adventure game will free you to describe the protagonist through the touchscreen feature found on the Nintendo DS. The gameplay of this game itself is very colorful and also looks more like a fantasy game for children.

However, at the end of a long adventure that players have passed, players will find a plot twist that will make players lose all the fun that has been passed during playing. Because all the adventures happened in Mike’s head, a boy who was in a coma due to a car accident that occurred with his family.

The ending given is actually a happy ending because Mike wakes up from a coma and players will witness the tears of emotion from Mike’s sister. However, the developer has also loaded the second ending of this game, in which Mike doesn’t wake up, but dies and is mourned by his family. Wow.

Night In The Woods

The visuals provided by this game look very cool and look designed for children, but who would have thought that this game has a sad story that is full of social issues but is very well structured and doesn’t seem overbearing.

This game provides a perspective on some serious issues such as depression, axienty, loneliness, and also the oppression of the lower and middle classes, whose point of view is a cat named mae who just dropped out of college.

This game presents an emotional quality not through the storyline and the existing conflicts, but from the implications. There are absolutely no elements of romance and melodrama in this game, but you will get an ending that does not give a clear conclusion, but if you understand the contents of this game, you will continue to be haunted by the implications.

The Beginner’s Guide

This game was made by a developer called The Stanley Parable, this game is quite funny, and of course the expectation of gamers is to find humor in this game, but what they get is a very deep heartache.

However, the author will not give any spoilers here, because you have to play this game in a situation where you don’t know anything, only then can you get a deep emotional after knowing the contents.

And that was, some games that look cheerful but have a story that is quite tragic and touches the players, thank you.

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