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8 Desperate Boys Steal Elementary School Books Then Resell to Top Up Online Games

GAMEFINITY.ID, Singkawang – Eight children are desperate to steal textbooks belonging to elementary school and then resell them to collectors to top up online games.

This incident occurred in Tugujaya Village, Cihideung District, Tasikmalaya City. These eight children broke into and stole 1 quintal of textbooks at SDN Negeri 2 Tugu. Then the book was sold to collectors for 600 thousand rupiah. The proceeds from the sale of the stolen books were distributed to 8 people and used to top up online games.

From their confession, the money from the sale of the stolen textbooks was used to play online games, said the local police chief.

The perpetrators who are still minors were caught by the residents while carrying out their actions. They were almost judged by the residents, but they were successfully secured in one of the residents’ houses.

After that, the perpetrators were taken to the local police station with extra escort in order to minimize the occurrence of unwanted actions.

This action apparently they have done 3 times. They entered the school through the window. This incident was only discovered by the school guard who intended to clean up the day after.

In the first attempt they get Rp. 50 thousand, then in the second action they get Rp. 150 thousand. Then in the third action they stole more and got Rp 400 thousand. Now the total amount of books they have stolen is 1.5 quintals with a total of 600 thousand rupiah.

Most of them are used to play online games in internet cafes or cellphones,said the police chief.

According to residents, these eight children are known to love playing games and can be categorized as addicted.

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